


版本发布时间: 2024-04-20 21:55:09

YaLTeR/niri最新发布版本:v0.1.7(2024-06-29 15:10:33)

Niri is a scrollable-tiling Wayland compositor. Windows are arranged in columns on an infinite strip going to the right. Opening a new window never causes existing windows to resize.

This time I decided to update the demo video in the README. Here's the new video if you're curious:

Now let's go over the improvements from the last release.

More animations

A big focus in this release was on animations. I've animated many more actions: window movement, resizing, and closing. Each of these was challenging to implement in its own way, but I'm quite happy with the end result.

Naturally, all animations work well with windows blocked out from screencasts.

As usual, you can disable or configure individual animations if you prefer. Find instructions on the wiki page.

While working on these animations, I fixed a few minor issues with view positioning. So niri now works better even with animations disabled.

Spring animation improvements

Spring animations are now more robust: values and durations are clamped more aggressively where it makes sense. For example, a bouncy window opening animation will become fully opaque upon reaching the full window size, and won't become transparent again during the following bounces.

Also, when using slowdown, the touchpad gesture velocity is now scaled by the slowdown factor, making the animation smoother.

Variable refresh rate

Niri now has basic variable refresh rate (VRR) support. You can enable it by setting a variable-refresh-rate flag in the output config. Check the wiki for an example and caveats.

Additionally, niri msg outputs now shows whether VRR is supported and enabled.

IPC improvements

niri msg received a few quality-of-life improvements thanks to @sodiboo:

Other improvements in this release

相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)

1、 niri-0.1.5-vendored-dependencies.tar.xz 53.12MB
