


版本发布时间: 2024-04-19 15:35:48

grafana/beyla最新发布版本:v1.5.2(2024-04-23 22:07:49)


Kubernetes: add support for pod matching based on labels by @msvechla

This change adds a new selector property k8s_pod_labels to the configuration section. This selector property will limit the instrumentation to the applications running in the Pods having labels with matching keys and values.

Kudos for @msvechla for its contribution.

Direct generation of span metrics and service graph metrics

Beyla 1.5 can generate application metrics in span metrics/service graph format directly, replicating how metrics are derived from application traces. This allows for better support and integration with products which rely on span metrics, such as Grafana Cloud Application Observability, where the application traces are sampled, and therefore the span metrics are inaccurate.

To enable span or service graph metrics, add the application_span or application_service_graph values to the BEYLA_OTEL_METRICS_FEATURES or BEYLA_PROMETHEUS_FEATURES configuration properties. Check the Beyla configuration documentation for more details.

Some improvements in network metrics generation

⚠️ Network metrics is still an experimental feature under active development. Expect breaking changes in future Beyla versions.

Network metrics now can be exported as Prometheus, as an alternative to OpenTelemetry. To enable it, just set the BEYLA_PROMETHEUS_PORT configuration value when BEYLA_NETWORK_METRICS is enabled.

You can filter metrics by Internet protocol. For example, you could restrict the network metrics only to UDP traffic. The BEYLA_NETWORK_PROTOCOLS and BEYLA_NETWORK_EXCLUDE_PROTOCOLS will let you enumerate which protocols to accept or exclude.

To reduce cardinality of Network metrics, either in Prometheus or OpenTelemetry, Beyla will stop reporting the network metrics between two endpoints when there is unobserved traffic between both endpoints during 5 minutes. You can override the default 5-minutes value with the BEYLA_OTEL_METRICS_TTL or BEYLA_PROMETHEUS_TTL configuration options. This feature is not yet available for application-level metrics.

Finally, the following attributes can be now added to the network metrics: src.port, dst.port and transport.

Check documentation for more configuration details.

Fixing long response tracking

Fixed a bug present in previous versions of Beyla, that prevented Beyla from properly measuring the response time of long responses (for example, a data stream or downloading a large file).

Complete cahngelog

Bug fixes 🐛

Other changes/additions

New Contributors

Full Changelog:

相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)

1、 beyla-linux-amd64-v1.5.0.tar.gz 30.37MB

2、 beyla-linux-arm64-v1.5.0.tar.gz 28.41MB
