


版本发布时间: 2024-04-13 11:00:44

ppy/osu最新发布版本:2024.817.0(2024-08-17 02:50:47)

Code Quality


Improve editor performance when many timeline ticks are present (ppy/osu#27632 by @EVAST9919)

Improve editor performance for maps with many control points (ppy/osu#27630 by @EVAST9919)

Smaller changes


Fix word wrapping not working well with chinese/japanaese/korean languages (ppy/osu-framework#6231 by @bdach)

Smaller changes


Change gameplay disclaimers to show inline and not delay gameplay start (ppy/osu#27616 by @bdach)

Add delayed resume for taiko/catch/mania (ppy/osu#27079 by @smoogipoo)

Fix some maps requiring multiple intro skips that weren't there on stable (ppy/osu#27784 by @bdach)

Add new icons for hit error meter (ppy/osu-resources#317 by @peppy)

2024-04-04 14 29 55@2x

Update hit error metre to use new icons (ppy/osu#27787 by @peppy)

Smaller changes

Gameplay (osu!)

Gameplay (osu!catch)

Gameplay (osu!mania)

Gameplay (osu!taiko)

Fix taiko mascot size not matching expectations (ppy/osu#27758 by @peppy)

Smaller changes



Support Discord game invites in multiplayer lobbies (ppy/osu#27443 by @jvyden)

Smaller changes


######## Changes

######## Issues

######## Future work

######## Testing

I've tested mouse, keyboard


Attempt to disable custom rulesets that can be linked to an unhandled crash (ppy/osu#27698 by @bdach)

After seeing yet another report of this something in me broke and I decided I have had enough of it.

What this does is that when the game is dying, it will hand off the exception to RulesetStore for a last-ditch inspection. RulesetStore will walk the call stack, and check if any ruleset has been involved in the trash fire. If it finds one, it banishes it to the blagole by renaming the dll to something that won't match the dll pattern (namely by attaching a .broken faux-extension suffix to the filename).

On launch, the game checks for .dll.broken ruleset files in the rulesets directory, and raises a notification for every single one that it finds to let the users know. And yes it will do that on every startup. I don't much care at this point (partially because I don't even know if reviewers will accept the starting premise of this - if they will I am willing to put some more work into this).

Smaller changes

As far as I can tell the failure path looks something like this:


Display misses in the hit accuracy heatmap (ppy/osu#27064 by @smoogipoo)

Screenshot 2024-02-06 at 22 23 37

Apply partial fade on pp display on results screen when score will not give pp (ppy/osu#27756 by @bdach)

osu_2024-03-29_11-14-44 osu_2024-03-29_11-13-02

Skin Editor

Song Select

Use title as tiebreaker when sorting beatmap carousel by artist (ppy/osu#27692 by @bdach)

Support filtering for multiple statuses when searching beatmaps in the map picker (ppy/osu#27635 by @vladfrangu)

This adds the ability to search for something like status=r status=l and include both.

Smaller changes



Remember login by default (ppy/osu#27587 by @peppy)

Kinda what is expected from a user's perspective

Add ability to schedule and rotate main menu content (ppy/osu#27722 by @peppy)

Smaller changes

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1、 install.exe 149.08MB

2、 152.87MB

3、 154.69MB

4、 osu.AppImage 148.25MB

5、 osu.AppImage.zsync 259.64KB

6、 osu.iOS.ipa 183.57MB

7、 osulazer-2024.302.1-delta.nupkg 950.48KB

8、 osulazer-2024.312.0-delta.nupkg 7.28MB

9、 osulazer-2024.312.1-delta.nupkg 1.65MB

10、 osulazer-2024.412.0-delta.nupkg 5.69MB

11、 osulazer-2024.412.0-full.nupkg 148.79MB


13、 sh.ppy.osulazer.apk 209.64MB
