版本发布时间: 2019-01-22 00:08:12
mybatis/spring-boot-starter最新发布版本:mybatis-spring-boot-2.3.2(2023-11-25 22:43:08)
Here is the complete list of changes.
- Update supported Java version to Java 8+ #194
- Upgrade to MyBatis 3.5 (Requires) #295
- Upgrade to MyBatis Spring 2.0 (Requires) #206
- Upgrade to Spring Boot 2.0+ (Requires) #163 #291
- Enable auto-configure when DataSource is single candidate #208
- Add the typeAliasesSuperType on MybatisProperties #232
- Use Spring Boot autoconfigure-processor to optimize auto-configurations #252
- Change a method for preventing package based mapper scan #258
In this release, we include changes that are not backwards compatible with 1.3.x for enhance features.