


版本发布时间: 2024-04-08 21:52:28

actions/runner-images最新发布版本:win19/20240717.1(2024-07-19 04:02:17)

:desktop_computer: Actions Runner Image: Ubuntu 20.04

:mega: What's changed?


Category Tool name Previous (20240324.1.0) Current (20240407.1.1)
Language and Runtime Node.js 18.19.1 18.20.1
Package Management Homebrew 4.2.14 4.2.16
Npm 10.2.4 10.5.0
Pipx 1.4.3 1.5.0
Vcpkg (build from commit a34c873a9) (build from commit 5fa0f075e)
Tools AzCopy 10.23.0 - available by 'azcopy' and 'azcopy10' aliases 10.24.0 - available by 'azcopy' and 'azcopy10' aliases
CMake 3.29.0 3.29.1
CodeQL Action Bundle 2.16.5 2.17.0
Fastlane 2.219.0 2.220.0
Heroku 8.11.0 8.11.1
Kustomize 5.3.0 5.4.1
Pulumi 3.111.1 3.112.0
zstd 1.5.5 1.5.6
CLI Tools AWS CLI 2.15.32 2.15.36
AWS SAM CLI 1.113.0 1.114.0
Azure CLI 2.58.0 2.59.0
GitHub CLI 2.46.0 2.47.0
Google Cloud CLI 469.0.0 471.0.0
Netlify CLI 17.20.1 17.21.2
OpenShift CLI 4.15.3 4.15.6
Vercel CLI 33.6.1 33.7.0
PHP Tools PHPUnit 8.5.37 8.5.38
Haskell Tools Stack 2.15.3 2.15.5
Rust Tools Cargo 1.77.0 1.77.1
Rust 1.77.0 1.77.1
Rustdoc 1.77.0 1.77.1
Browsers and Drivers Google Chrome 123.0.6312.58 123.0.6312.105
ChromeDriver 123.0.6312.58 123.0.6312.105
Microsoft Edge 123.0.2420.53 123.0.2420.81
Microsoft Edge WebDriver 123.0.2420.53 123.0.2420.81
Selenium server 4.18.1 4.19.1
Mozilla Firefox 124.0.1 124.0.2
.NET Tools .NET Core SDK 8.0.202 8.0.203
Databases MongoDB 5.0.25 5.0.26
Cached Tools Go 1.21.8, 1.22.1 1.21.9, 1.22.2
Node.js 18.19.1, 20.11.1 18.20.1, 20.12.1
Python 3.11.8 3.11.9

Cached Docker images

Repository:Tag Digest Created
node:18 ~~sha256:b39895225fb1984139d5af76400aff8fac3dd5bc00dd41a3ce22fc8a6cf538d5 ~~ 2024-03-12
node:18-alpine ~~sha256:c7620fdecfefb96813da62519897808775230386f4c8482e972e37b8b18cb460 ~~ 2024-03-16
node:20 ~~sha256:e06aae17c40c7a6b5296ca6f942a02e6737ae61bbbf3e2158624bb0f887991b5 ~~ 2024-03-12
node:20-alpine ~~sha256:bf77dc26e48ea95fca9d1aceb5acfa69d2e546b765ec2abfb502975f1a2d4def ~~ 2024-03-16
node:18 sha256:be6b6dc2a62591408c3f0475de2e3ae34e22879fe0f5b4c3733ecfadffd62e3b 2024-04-04
node:18-alpine sha256:6d9d5269cbe4088803e9ef81da62ac481c063b60cadbe8e628bfcbb12296d901 2024-04-04
node:20 sha256:8a03de2385cb16c4d76aac30bf86ab05f55f1754a5402dc9039916e8043f019a 2024-04-04
node:20-alpine sha256:7e227295e96f5b00aa79555ae166f50610940d888fc2e321cf36304cbd17d7d6 2024-04-04

Installed apt packages

Name Version
curl 7.68.0-1ubuntu2.21
libcurl4 7.68.0-1ubuntu2.21
xvfb 2:1.20.13-1ubuntu1~20.04.15
curl 7.68.0-1ubuntu2.22
libcurl4 7.68.0-1ubuntu2.22
xvfb 2:1.20.13-1ubuntu1~20.04.16

For comprehensive list of software installed on this image please click here.

相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)

1、 internal.ubuntu-20.04.json 36.4KB

2、 15.48MB
