


版本发布时间: 2024-04-08 21:49:53

gorhill/uBlock最新发布版本:1.61.3b11(2024-12-22 00:44:14)

Commits to master since this release Commits since last release

To install the stable build:

This is an emergency release to fix an issue causing differential updates to fail. The issue primarily affected Firefox because of uBO's use of indexedDB prior to 1.57.0. The issue did not affect full update of filter lists even though the asset viewer would show old versions of those lists (internally uBO compiles lists and would still correctly compile from lists fetched by full updater).

This release also contains translation work, so I will also publish an update to Chrome Web Store despite the issue not affecting Chromium-based browsers.

Fixes / changes

相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)

1、 3.67MB

2、 uBlock0_1.57.2.firefox.signed.xpi 3.68MB

3、 uBlock0_1.57.2.npm.tgz 366.08KB

4、 uBlock0_1.57.2.thunderbird.xpi 3.64MB
