


版本发布时间: 2024-04-03 20:35:02

dream-num/univer最新发布版本:v0.1.12(2024-05-24 12:21:22)

🎊 Univer@v0.1.6

致 Univer 的开发者们:


同时,我们很高兴地宣布,Univer 发布了 0.1.6 版本。本次更新正式带来了条件格式数据验证两项重大功能。

我们希望 Univer 能成为您生活中一个有用的工具,为您提供帮助和支持。也希望您能将 Univer 分享给更多的朋友,让更多的人受益。


Dear developers,

As the Qingming Festival approaches, which is a traditional Chinese holiday for honoring ancestors and celebrating the arrival of spring, we would like to extend our warmest regards and best wishes to you.

At the same time, we are pleased to announce the 0.1.6 release of Univer. This update introduces two major features: Conditional Formatting and Data Validation.

We hope that Univer can serve as a useful stuff in your life, providing you with assistance and support.

Once again, we wish you a peaceful and prosperous Qingming Festival.

Univer Banner

🚧 Important Note

This project is still in heavy development, and major API changes are expected. Your feedback is crucial! Please submit issues and suggestions to help us shape the future of Univer.

🚀 Getting Started

If you're eager to explore Univer, check out our getting started documentation. Dive into the world of collaborative document, spreadsheet, and presentation editing powered by Univer!

🆕 What's new

In the v0.1.6 update, we have added two major features: Conditional Formatting and Data Validation. These features are designed to help you better manage and analyze your data.

🎨 Conditional Formatting

Conditional formatting allows you to apply different styles to cells based on their values. This feature is useful for highlighting important information and making your data more visually appealing.

To apply conditional formatting to a range of cells, follow these steps:

  1. Install the @univerjs/sheets-conditional-formatting-ui package using npm or pnpm:
# Using npm
npm install @univerjs/sheets-conditional-formatting-ui

# Using pnpm
pnpm add @univerjs/sheets-conditional-formatting-ui

Breaking Change: If you are using the 0.1.5 version, please uninstall the @univerjs/sheets-conditional-formatting package and replace it with the @univerjs/sheets-conditional-formatting-ui package.

  1. Register the conditional formatting UI in your Univer app:
import '@univerjs/sheets-conditional-formatting-ui/lib/index.css';

import { SheetsConditionalFormattingUiPlugin } from '@univerjs/sheets-conditional-formatting-ui';


🛡️ Data Validation

Data validation allows you to set rules for the data entered in a cell. This feature is useful for ensuring data integrity and consistency in your spreadsheets.

To apply data validation to a range of cells, follow these steps:

  1. Install the @univerjs/data-validation and @univerjs/sheets-data-validation package using npm or pnpm:
# Using npm
npm install @univerjs/data-validation @univerjs/sheets-data-validation

# Using pnpm
pnpm add @univerjs/data-validation @univerjs/sheets-data-validation
  1. Register the data validation plugins in your Univer app:
import '@univerjs/sheets-data-validation/lib/index.css';

import { UniverDataValidationPlugin } from '@univerjs/data-validation';
import { UniverSheetsDataValidationPlugin } from '@univerjs/sheets-data-validation';


📚 Other Updates: Defined Names

In addition to the above features, we have also added the Defined Names feature to sheets. You can now set custom names for cell ranges to make it easier to reference them.

📢 Join the Conversation

We welcome your input and insights as we embark on this exciting journey. Connect with us on:

📝 Changelog

Full changelog (2024-04-03)

Bug Fixes


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1、 sha1sum.txt 230B

2、 sha256sum.txt 302B

3、 77.04MB

4、 75.91MB

5、 70.97MB
