版本发布时间: 2024-04-02 20:33:53
baptisteArno/typebot.io最新发布版本:v2.28.2(2024-09-06 21:50:18)
- 👷♂️ Add network debug tools to chat api image [37204f5]
- ✨ Add operators documentation for response field components. (#1387) [2bd1cb7]
- ✨ Add Anthropic block (#1336) [ecec702]
- 🔊 Add better error log for auth email sending [595bffc]
- ✨ Add "turn into" option in block context menu [2fb379b]
- ✨ Add OpenRouter block [84d6c59]
- 📈 (posthog) Send user last login event [434b067]
- ⚡ (anthropic) Add sonnet and haiku models [89dec4a]
- 🚸 (bubble) Add swipe gesture to close preview… [1f158e7]
- ⚡ Fix typebot drag and drop lag [798e94a]
- ⚡ Introduce a new high-performing standalone chat API (#1200) [2fcf83c]
- 🚸 Auto disable whatsapp if plan does not have pro… [7c23b95]
- 🚸 (radar) Don't show claim bot if workspace is no… [c72052c]
- ♻️ Include forged blocks schema in typebot schema [ed5096e]
- 🚸 Auto focus new blocks and fix text editor close callback [a797fc0]
- ♻️ Remove @typebot.io/schemas from @typebot.io/lib [5073be2]
- 🚸 Remove debounce on forged block credentials… [cdbdb35]
- 🚸 (editor) Fix buttons textarea size when con… [cf73900]
- 🚸 Fix select and autocomplete max width [70cc1f0]
- 🚸 (calCom) Fix embed responsivity [968abf5]
- 🚸 (results) Improve time filter so that it takes into account user timezone [f6d2b15]
- ⬇️ Downgrade anthropic sdk to make it compatible with ai sdk [3f294c9]
- ⬆️ Upgrade ai package [ff3807a]
- 💄 Fix UI regression on editor menu button [7e3c1e7]
- 🚸 Remove 50 select items initial hard limit [cbfc980]
- 🚸 (billing) Improve upgrade UX for non admin [1f40a4d]
- 🚸 Add aria-label on Bubble close button (#1344) [a9daac6]
- ⚡ Restore chat state when user is remembered (#1333) [0dc276c]
- 💄 Improve editor header responsiveness [5dafb64]
- ⬆️ Upgrade ai and openai packages [c2003da]
- ⚡ (calCom) Add additional notes prefill option [0f96440]
- 🚸 (results) Improve submitted at field parsing [77bc138]
- 🚸 (elevenLabs) Only show text-to-speech compatible models [022a320]
- 💄 (textEditor) Fix floating link inputs color in dark mode [579e407]
- ♻️ Use at function instead of dangerous direct lookup array index [4ca613e]
- 💄 (bot) Show only loading bubble when current block only has messages [8846cdb]
- 🐛 Fix auto filled input not submittable [a412a31]
- 🐛 Fix potential infinite redirect when session is remembered [50d515c]
- 🐛 (textBubble) Fix text bubble not updating when focusing on another one [c9b7f6a]
- 🚑 Allow for regex without slashes for retro compat [2663ca2]
- 🐛 (conditions) Parse regex flags as well [a0ba8c5]
- 🐛 (conditions) Fix regex matching when starting and ending wi… [76e7fbd]
- 🐛 Fix edge dropping on condition block when all conditions ar… [1566f01]
- 🐛 (bubble) Fix bubble chat height when custom size [af941b1]
- 🐛 Fix event edges display when navigating in linked typebots [f646826]
- 🐛 Fix typebot and folder name update in dashboard [a48a211]
- 🐛 (typebotLink) Fix n+1 variable fill [c552fa7]
- 🚑 (stream) Fix stream for Vercel hosting [669f550]
- 🚑 (stream) Re-enable stream on Vercel env [8e52ee8]
- 🚑 Fix embed fallback api host [b14ee12]
- 🐛 Fix absolute URL bug with ky on backend [e435ead]
- 🐛 Fix experimental chat api enable checking [6876b48]
- 🐛 (editor) Share groups clipboard state across tabs [5b91767]
- 💚 Remove unused helper [97107d4]
- 🐛 (pictureChoice) Fix dynamic image only variable saving [9c86c5e]
- 💚 Fix embeds build and create-block CLI [a4c865c]
- 🐛 Fix bug when adding items in array in forged block [56a23a1]
- 🐛 (fileUpload) Handle duplicate names properly [26a9282]
- 🐛 Fix retry message variable parsing [782c08b]
- 🐛 (difyAi) Fix chunk parsing [e035a54]
- 🐛 (anthropic) Upgrade sdk to fix stream issue [3ac211d]
- 🐛 (bot) Fix await processClientActio… [b53242c]
- 🐛 (anthropic) Fix transform functions when response mapping has Message content [7d11a7d]
- 🐛 (bubble) Fix bubble bot window left overflow [663653e]
- 🐛 (wait) Parse wait seconds as float instead of int [e9011ae]
- 🐛 (anthropic) Fix turn into other blocks [1202f09]
- 🐛 (editor) Fix multiple text editor focus [9b9282e]
- 🐛 (editor) Fix dragging locked when window is blurred while pressing keys [065a70e]
- 🚑 Attempt to fix crash related to codemirror [eaaa840]
- 🚑 Fix auto delete invalid edge when offsets are not loaded [0309771]
- 🐛 Fix board menu placement when suspected typebot banner is displayed [4a7d10f]
- 🐛 Fix progress bar crash when input is undefined [bbeb12c]
- 🐛 (editor) Improve edge resiliency connected to non-existant blocks [22fe502]
- 🐛 (whatsapp) Fix auto start when first input is file [583294f]
- 🐛 Fix back button refreshing the page when typebot in folder [59cf993]
- 🐛 Fix progress bar fixed position on Bubble embed [b05fafe]
- 🚑 Fix invalid workspace plan check for support bubble [8e20d90]
- 🐛 (textBubble) Fix variable with text styles unwanted break lines [daaca9f]
- 🐛 (analytics) Fix possible analytics crash when groupId can't be found [a043c3e]
- 💚 Fix deprecated sizeLimit option type [d8924d7]
- 🐛 (fileUpload) Fix files deletion on result delete [f14eb91]
- 🛂 (radar) Improve radar regex [dbc8754]
- 📝 Split Google requirements for each APIs: auth, sheets, fonts [f017219]
- 🛂 Make sure customDomain can't be spoofed [a8a9259]
- 🛂 Only show suspicious bot claim for no… [001e696]
- 📝 Add Anthropic streaming issue notice [f6a419c]
- 🛂 Display suspected typebot banner only if workspace is not verified [712a565]
- 🧑💻 (whatsapp) Option to modify the default interactive split message number (#1296) [df209a8]
- 📝 Improve get help doc [14022fe]
- 🛂 Disable direct support for Free users [6d8a007]
- 📝 Add v2.23 newsletter [ef69b5b]