


版本发布时间: 2024-03-30 06:01:12

EpicGamesExt/raddebugger最新发布版本:v0.9.10-alpha(2024-05-24 08:29:50)

This release consists of a lot of behind-the-scenes work, primarily focused on improving the PDB -> RADDBGI conversion speed for larger projects, and cleaning up and simplifying many lower level debugger systems, to have a more solid foundation for further features and improvements moving forward.

Before this release, the PDB -> RADDBGI conversion process was completely single-threaded, and was not usable for large PDBs, and especially not in projects with several large PDBs. There are still plenty of performance improvements on the table, and we expect this to continue to improve, but this release already includes some major improvements. With our 8GB test PDB (the largest that we currently have), on a 64-core development workstation, conversion time decreased from ~11 minutes to ~30 seconds with the changes in this release. This should massively improve the debugger's usability in many cases where it was previously not usable.

As a result of the above progress, as well as all of the aforementioned work on the lower level debugger systems, a lot of code was either majorly changed or rewritten. If you experience new issues with this release that you didn't experience with older versions, it'd help out a lot if you let us know by submitting an issue.

EDIT: The new PDB -> RADDBGI converter had introduced some regressions, mostly related to C++ feature support. I've since fixed these. Since these are small fixes, but quite important for regular debugger usage for many people, I wanted to package up a new build with these fixes included. That being said, I didn't think these fixes alone justified an entirely new release with a new version number. So I've uploaded an updated build under The original build has been renamed to

A more comprehensive list of the major improvements and fixes follows:

Features & Improvements


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