


版本发布时间: 2024-03-24 18:55:05

verdaccio/verdaccio最新发布版本:v5.31.0(2024-05-11 17:13:15)

5.30.0 (2024-03-24)

🎉 3 new contributors

Be warned, if you are using (or cannot upgrade to major) Node.js 12 (only if you install from npmjs) please do not upgrade to this version, the minimum is now Node.js 14 (due dependency reasons are out my hand), the recommendation is always go for LTS releases anyway which at this moment is Node.js 20. For context if you are using the Docker image ignore this warning, the Dockerfile uses Node.js 20 as base image.

ℹ️ Verdaccio v6.0.0-beta.2 has been released, ready for user test to ensure the best backward compatibility, help us by trying it out.


On the versions view there is a new filter that allows semantic versioning filtering (feedback is welcome)

Versions filter by semver range

Kapture 2024-03-23 at 20 04 02

Bug Fixes

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