


版本发布时间: 2024-03-23 08:12:56

airbytehq/airbyte最新发布版本:v0.57.2(2024-04-05 06:09:37)

f11f1cb3ff 🐛 Source Intercom: handle conversations stream HttpError: 404 - User Not Found (#36277) 878eb096b2 ✨ Destination DuckDB: track airbyte integration usage for MotherDuck (#36353) b2088358f5 Convert classes for destination-s3 to Kotlin (#36254) 0efbf23c1f do not log invalid message data (#36296) 33e9a81334 Update cloud path in cdk publish pipeline (#36395) 374771c944 ✨ [source-orb] add end date parameter (#36288) 17a7e46e33 Destination Redshift: Suppress Jooq exception to avoid printing sql query (#36374) ee482452f5 API merge instructions update (#36390) 893929841c ✨ Source Shopify: ensure Per-Stream Error Messaging and Record Counts In State (#36355) 991dc084dd 🤖 Bump minor version of Python CDK 242dd6a425 Airbyte CDK: request options allowed to be an array (#36357) 9f9dad136a Make destination-snowflake oAuth option hidden (#36240)

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