


版本发布时间: 2018-12-23 07:19:52

pdfcpu/pdfcpu最新发布版本:v0.8.1(2024-08-31 21:13:37)

This release provides the following two new commands:

The Import command converts images to PDF or creates a PDF photo album tailored to your specific needs:

Create a quick single page PDF containing an image: pdfcpu import photo.pdf photo.png By using the implied default positioning parameter p:full the page size is going to be equal to the image size.

Generate a PDF gallery of image files assuming the folder pics contains jpg,png or tif files only: pdfcpu import album.pdf pics/*

Generate a PDF gallery of image files each of them centered on its page with the default relative scaling 0.5: pdfcpu import 'p:c' album.pdf pics/*

The following command also generates a PDF gallery but additionally configures the Letter output format and positioning anchored to the bottom left corner with a horizontal offset of 10 and a vertical offset of 15 points in PDF user space with a scaling of 0.3 relative to page dimensions: pdfcpu import 'f:Letter, p:bl, o:10 20, s:0.3' album.pdf *.jpg

Import will create the output file if it does not exist otherwise it will append the new pages to an existing PDF.
This feature enables to append the gallery to a prepared cover page. Please refer to pdfcpu help import for details about this command.

The Rotate command rotates selected pages clockwise by a multiple of 90 degrees:

Rotate all pages clockwise by 90 degrees: pdfcpu rotate test.pdf 90

Rotate the first two pages counter clockwise by 90 degrees: pdfcpu rotate -pages 1-2 -90

Please refer to pdfcpu help rotate for details about this command.

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