


版本发布时间: 2024-03-12 02:21:34

projectdiscovery/nuclei-templates最新发布版本:v9.8.5(2024-04-22 19:36:54)

🔥 Release Highlights 🔥

In our latest release, we are thrilled to announce new addition of 120+ OSINT - Phishing Detection templates, thanks to the contributions of our community member @rxerium. These templates are accessible at Phishing Detection templates.

These templates are specifically added to help OSINT analysts, threat researchers, and security professionals in discovering and studying phishing campaigns therefore, we have added them to the OSINT scan profile here. Users can execute the OSINT scan configuration profile with nuclei -u <host> -config ~/nuclei-templates/config/osint.yml

Please note that these templates are not included in the default run. To use them, users can simply include them in the scan using nuclei -u <host> -tags phishing -itags phishing.

By identifying and analyzing phishing sites, OSINT analysts can discover patterns, monitor the activities of threat actors, and collect data essential for broader security research or investigative journalism. This makes it a valuable addition to the OSINT toolkit.

What's Changed

New Templates Added: 126

New Contributors

Full Changelog:

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1、 nuclei-templates-9.7.8_checksums.txt 189B
