版本发布时间: 2024-03-06 00:28:00
operator-framework/operator-sdk最新发布版本:v1.35.0(2024-06-19 02:19:34)
Bug Fixes
- (helm/v1) Fix an issue that multi-arch images cannot be built from the project Makefile. (#6661)
1、 checksums.txt 1.08KB
2、 checksums.txt.asc 566B
3、 helm-operator_darwin_amd64 75.62MB
4、 helm-operator_darwin_arm64 74.99MB
5、 helm-operator_linux_amd64 76.17MB
6、 helm-operator_linux_arm64 73.79MB
7、 helm-operator_linux_ppc64le 75.5MB
8、 helm-operator_linux_s390x 79.97MB
9、 operator-sdk_darwin_amd64 90.01MB
10、 operator-sdk_darwin_arm64 89.09MB
11、 operator-sdk_linux_amd64 90.78MB
12、 operator-sdk_linux_arm64 87.8MB
13、 operator-sdk_linux_ppc64le 89.91MB
14、 operator-sdk_linux_s390x 95.3MB