


版本发布时间: 2024-02-26 23:34:15

grafana/beyla最新发布版本:v1.5.2(2024-04-23 22:07:49)


⚠️ Breaking change: update metric collection names to stable HTTP spec

We have updated the metrics collection names to the stable HTTP spec for OpenTelemetry. This change also applies to our Prometheus metrics exporter:

Users should update their dashboards, alerts, etc, from the following old to the following new names.

Old Prometheus metric names:

Old OTEL metric names:

New Prometheus metric names:

New OTEL metric names:

Fixed Kubernetes integration for GKE and other distributions

The way GKE internally stored the container IDs in the /proc filesystem was not recognized by Beyla. In consequence, Beyla was not able to match process/container low-level information with high-level Kubernetes metadata.

This could also happen with other Kubernetes distributions.

Native histograms for Prometheus

For Prometheus, native histograms are enabled if you enable the native-histograms feature in your Prometheus collector.

Exponential histograms for OpenTelemetry

For OpenTelemetry you can use exponential histograms for the predefined histograms instead of defining the buckets manually. You need to set up the standard OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_METRICS_DEFAULT_HISTOGRAM_AGGREGATION environment variable. See the Beyla documentation for more information.

Improved memory usage

Under some high-load scenarios (a single Beyla instance instrumenting 80 containers), the virtual memory space was in the order of GigaBytes.

In the test results, the virtual memory (container_memory_usage_bytes and container_memory_working_set_bytes) decreased from 155MiB to 84MiB on 1 container instrumentation, and 3.5GiB to 338MiB when load tested with about 80 containers.

RSS (container_memory_rss) didn't change much. About 75MiB with 1 container and 206MiB when load tested.

Full changelog

Breaking changes 🔨

Bug fixes 🐛

Other changes/additions

New Contributors

Full Changelog:

相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)

1、 beyla-linux-amd64-v1.3.1.tar.gz 28.37MB

2、 beyla-linux-arm64-v1.3.1.tar.gz 26.49MB
