


版本发布时间: 2024-02-23 14:05:57

ZZ-Cat/CRSFforArduino最新发布版本:v1.0.3(2024-07-20 17:11:46)


Wow, what a journey it has been! The first MAJOR cut of CRSF for Arduino is finally here.

I can't say this enough: A huge thank you to you all for your contributions, hardware testing, Issues, Pull Requests, your patience with me, and your wonderful ideas in my Discussions tab.
You all have helped make Version 1.0.0 of CRSF for Arduino a reality.

Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart.
This project has been some two years in the making (both offline and online), through various iterations and attempts.
A few bumps along the way, plus a point where I simply wanted to give up, delete this repo and call it quits.
But, I found it in me to keep going, despite the setbacks... and gods, that has finally paid off.

Some say firmware and software development is a thank-less job.
I beg to differ. My own experience, I have had nothing but overwhelming support from my user-base.
You all have been what's kept me going through the times where I had reached my absolute lowest with CRSF for Arduino.
You folks are amazing.

So, here's to you all, my gift to you... CRSF for Arduino, Version 1.0.0.
Enjoy~ 🖤

What's new


Hardware targets

What's Changed


Re-factors and re-writes



Kia ora and haere mai to our new contributors

Full Changelog:

Semantic Versioning

All releases of CRSF for Arduino follow the Semantic Versioning Guidelines. This means "Major.Minor.Patch". Major = New features that are incompatible with previous iterations. Minor = New features &/or hardware support that retains compatibility with the current Major release. Patch = Bug fixes.

This is Major Version 1.x.x and is considered stable.
While every effort has gone in to ensure the latest release is bug-free, there are no guarantees with firmware development.
Your feedback is always welcome. If you spot any bugs, don't hesitate to open an issue. For general comments & questions, please use the discussions section.
New contributors are always welcome. Please read through my Contribution Guidelines before you go Gung Ho with coding.

相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)
