


版本发布时间: 2024-02-20 17:59:13

redisson/redisson最新发布版本:redisson-3.29.0(2024-04-22 16:31:34)

Feature - client tracking support. TrackingListener is available for RBucket, RStream, RScoredSortedSet, RSet, RMap and RBucket objects
Feature - added RKeys.addListener() method to register global listeners
Feature - FlushListener added to track flushdb/flushall command invocation
Feature - Kryo5Codec constructor with registrationRequired parameter added
Feature - nettyExecutor setting added
Feature - enable DNS TCP fallback when UDP query timeout for RoundRobinDnsAddressResolverGroupFactory and SequentialDnsAddressResolverFactory

Improvement - cache result of INFO REPLICATION command for RLock objects

Fixed - Spring Data Redis ReactiveKeyCommands.pExpire() method throws an exception
Fixed - NPE is thrown by RedisExecutor.handleError() method
Fixed - sharded pubsub detection for Apache Tomcat Session Manager, RMapCache and RLocalCachedMap objects
Fixed - Redisson's threads aren't shutdown if Redis node address isn't defined
Fixed - NPE is thrown while creating RLocalCacheMap object without WriteMode value
Fixed - incorrect RESP3 protocol parsing causes SlaveConnectionPool no available Redis entries error
Fixed - repeated new connections with AWS Elasticache serverless
Fixed - internal LRUCacheMap object throws ConcurrentModificationException

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