版本发布时间: 2018-11-30 08:45:25
kmansouri/OPERA最新发布版本:v2.9.1(2022-09-02 00:24:19)
OPERA v1.5 Windows version linux version Additional libraries in C, C++, Java, Python.
AOH (LogOH) in cm3/molecule-sec: The OH rate constant for the atmospheric, gas-phase reaction between photochemically produced hydroxyl radicals and organic chemicals.
BCF (Log): Fish bioconcentration factor
Biodeg (LogHalfLife) in days: biodegradation half-life for compounds containing only carbon and hydrogen (i.e. hydrocarbons).
Ready_biodeg (classification: 0/1): Ready biodegradability of organic chemicals.
BP in deg C: Boiling Point at 760 mm Hg
HL (LogHL) in atm-m3/mole: The Henry’s Law constant (air/water partition coefficient) at 25C
Km (Log KmHL) half-lives in days: The whole body primary biotransformation rate constant for organic chemicals in fish.
KOA (Log): The octanol/air partition coefficient.
LogP (Log): Octanol-water partition coefficient, log KOW, of chemicals.
MP in deg C: Melting Point
Koc (Log) in L/Kg: the soil adsorption coefficient of organic compounds. The ratio of the amount of chemical adsorbed per unit weight of organic carbon in the soil or sediment to the concentration of the chemical in solution at equilibrium.
VP (Log) in mmHg: Vapor Pressure experimental values between 15 and 30 deg C (majority at 25-20C)
WS (Log) in Molar moles/L: Water solubility at 25C.
RT in minutes: HPLC retention time.
1、 libOPERA1.5_C.tar.gz 31.92MB
2、 libOPERA1.5_CPP.tar.gz 36.53MB
3、 libOPERA1.5_Java.tar.gz 36.6MB
4、 libOPERA1.5_py.zip 32.77MB
5、 OPERA1.5_Linux.tar.gz 31.98MB
6、 OPERA1.5_Windows.zip 32.72MB