


版本发布时间: 2018-11-20 17:43:21

gradle/kotlin-dsl-samples最新发布版本:v1.1.3(2019-01-29 18:57:52)

Gradle Kotlin DSL 1.0 Release Notes

Gradle Kotlin DSL 1.0 brings Kotlin 1.3.10, performance improvements, script compilation build cache, API/DSL refinements and fixes.

In order to benefit from the best user experience, please update IntelliJ IDEA to 2018.3, Android Studio to 3.2 and their Kotlin Plugin to the latest 1.3.

Thanks to a great help from the community, the Gradle User Manual now contains samples for both the Groovy and Kotlin DSLs. This is now the best place to find information on how to use the Gradle Kotlin DSL as it covers all Gradle features from using plugins to customizing the dependency resolution behavior.

A new user manual chapter dedicated to the Gradle Kotlin DSL has also been added.

The Gradle Plugin Portal now displays Kotlin DSL snippets for easy copy and paste.

This release contains potential breaking changes, see below.

v1.0.4 is included in Gradle 5.0.

To use it, upgrade your Gradle wrapper in the following fashion:

$ gradle wrapper --gradle-version 5.0 --distribution-type all

Updates since v1.0.3 (Gradle 5.0 RC3)

For the complete list see the gradle/kotlin-dsl issues for 1.0.4.

Updates since v1.0.2 (Gradle 5.0 RC2)

For the complete list see the gradle/kotlin-dsl issues for 1.0.3.

Updates since v1.0-RC14 (Gradle 5.0 RC1)

For the complete list see the gradle/kotlin-dsl issues for 1.0.2.

Updates since v1.0-RC12 (Gradle 5.0 M1)

For the complete list see the gradle/kotlin-dsl issues for 1.0-RC14.

Updates since v1.0-RC6 (Gradle 4.10.2)

For the complete list see the gradle/kotlin-dsl issues for 1.0-RC12.

Breaking changes

This release contains some potential breaking changes:

Avoiding Gradle Kotlin DSL internal APIs

Use of Kotlin DSL internal APIs in plugins and build scripts has the potential to break builds when either Gradle or plugins change.

The Kotlin DSL extends the Gradle public API definition with org/gradle/kotlin/dsl/* excluding any subpackages.

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