


版本发布时间: 2024-02-05 05:35:06

deniscerri/ytdlnis最新发布版本:v1.7.5(2024-04-15 05:03:17)

What's New

Format Filtering

App can now let you filter between 4 categories. All, self explanatory. Suggested, a combination of multiple preferences you have set in the app like your preferred codec, container and format id, quality and resolution. Smallest, it will select for each format the smallest size. Generic, the generic formats you see on the app while an item hasn't updated to real formats yet, in case you want to use those for some reason.


Introducing Observe Sources

A long awaited feature that was planned for a long time, but always pushed back by other features. You can now set a playlist to be observed by the app over and over based on a time period. The download configuration is the exact same as if you would do a normal download. You can select types of audio video and command etc etc. You can set it to run every day, every week, every month. or every 2 days and so on. You can set the time the app should try to check for new entries to download. You can set the time the app will start this observation process, in case you dont want it to start now. You can set the case where the app should stop running it. Like after 10 runs, or after it reaches a certain date. The item can store which url's it had registered and passed over to the download process, so it can skip them on the next run. But you can set it to check the app's internal download history in case those files are still present. If not, the app will try to re-download them again. You can make as much as you want :), but since its running on Alarm Manager its waking up the phone to run the task so be wary of battery usage if you have way too many of them.


The history item has been updated in this version so old backups will not work. Please make a backup of your stuff in the settings before updating. In case this update fails, notify people in telegram and revert back to the past version and use your backup and also give us the backup to reproduce the error if it happens. Happy Downloading :)

Autogenerated Changes

New Contributors

Full Changelog:

相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)

1、 YTDLnis-1.7.2-x86-release.apk 37.01MB

2、 output-metadata.json 1.54KB

3、 YTDLnis-1.7.2-arm64-v8a-release.apk 34.94MB

4、 YTDLnis-1.7.2-armeabi-v7a-release.apk 34.72MB

5、 YTDLnis-1.7.2-universal-release.apk 115.25MB

6、 YTDLnis-1.7.2-x86_64-release.apk 38MB
