


版本发布时间: 2024-01-19 21:09:58

apache/airflow最新发布版本:2.9.0(2024-04-08 20:11:00)

Significant Changes

Target version for core dependency pendulum package set to 3 (#36281).

Support for pendulum 2.1.2 will be saved for a while, presumably until the next feature version of Airflow. It is advised to upgrade user code to use pendulum 3 as soon as possible.

Airflow packaging specification follows modern Python packaging standards (#36537).

We standardized Airflow dependency configuration to follow latest development in Python packaging by using pyproject.toml. Airflow is now compliant with those accepted PEPs:

Also we implement multiple license files support coming from Draft, not yet accepted (but supported by hatchling) PEP:

This has almost no noticeable impact on users if they are using modern Python packaging and development tools, generally speaking Airflow should behave as it did before when installing it from PyPI and it should be much easier to install it for development purposes using pip install -e ".[devel]".

The differences from the user side are:

In most modern tools this will work in backwards-compatible way, but in some old version of those tools you might need to replace _ and . with -. You can also get warnings that the extra you are installing does not exist - but usually this warning is harmless and the extra is installed anyway. It is, however, recommended to change to use - in extras in your dependency specifications for all Airflow extras.

Graphviz dependency is now an optional one, not required one (#36647).

The graphviz dependency has been problematic as Airflow required dependency - especially for ARM-based installations. Graphviz packages require binary graphviz libraries - which is already a limitation, but they also require to install graphviz Python bindings to be build and installed. This does not work for older Linux installation but - more importantly - when you try to install Graphviz libraries for Python 3.8, 3.9 for ARM M1 MacBooks, the packages fail to install because Python bindings compilation for M1 can only work for Python 3.10+.

This is not a breaking change technically - the CLIs to render the DAGs is still there and IF you already have graphviz installed, it will continue working as it did before. The only problem when it does not work is where you do not have graphviz installed it will raise an error and inform that you need it.

Graphviz will remain to be installed for most users:

The only change will be a new installation of new version of Airflow from the scratch, where graphviz will need to be specified as extra or installed separately in order to enable DAG rendering option.

Bug Fixes


Doc Only Changes

相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)

1、 apache-airflow-2.8.1-source.tar.gz 26.73MB

2、 apache-airflow-2.8.1-source.tar.gz.asc 265B

3、 apache-airflow-2.8.1-source.tar.gz.sha512 165B

4、 apache_airflow-2.8.1-py3-none-any.whl 12.64MB

5、 apache_airflow-2.8.1-py3-none-any.whl.asc 265B

6、 apache_airflow-2.8.1-py3-none-any.whl.sha512 168B

7、 apache_airflow-2.8.1.tar.gz 11.77MB

8、 apache_airflow-2.8.1.tar.gz.asc 265B

9、 apache_airflow-2.8.1.tar.gz.sha512 158B
