版本发布时间: 2018-10-27 05:01:46
pdfcpu/pdfcpu最新发布版本:v0.8.1(2024-08-31 21:13:37)
- Improved support for the CCITTFaxDecode filter.
- Supported is the decoding of CCITTGroup 4 compressed data (for K<0)
- Supported is also the 1D decoding of CCITTGroup 3 compressed data (for K=0)
- CCITT Group3 2D(mixed) decoding is pending available test images (K>0).
- pdfcpu now extracts group 3 and 4 encoded black and white images to PNG.
- pdfcpu's tiff reader is also supporting CCITT group 3-1D and group 4 encoded images as of this release.