


版本发布时间: 2024-01-07 22:19:21

YaLTeR/niri最新发布版本:v0.1.7(2024-06-29 15:10:33)

Config breaking change

Settings for focus-ring, preset-column-widths, default-column-width, gaps, struts moved into a new layout { } node.

layout {
    focus-ring { /* ... */ }
    preset-column-widths { /* ... */ }
    default-column-width { /* ... */ }
    gaps 8
    struts { /* ... */ }

Multi-GPU support

Monitors plugged into secondary GPUs will now light up and work. This is particularly important for hybrid laptops with an integrated and a discrete GPU, where for example a monitor may "plug into" the dGPU while the primary device is the iGPU.

Additionally, direct scan-out will now work in more cases across GPUs (i.e. a dGPU client on an iGPU monitor).


Niri uses the default GPU for rendering, the same as any other GL client. You can force niri to use a different GPU with a new debug setting which works similarly to the WLR_RENDER_DRM_DEVICE environment variable from wlroots:

debug {
    render-drm-device "/dev/dri/renderD129"


You can now add borders to windows with a new setting:

layout {
    border {
        // The settings are the same as for the focus ring.
        // If you enable the border, you probably want to disable the focus ring.
        // off
        width 4
        active-color 255 200 127 255
        inactive-color 80 80 80 255

In contrast to the focus ring, borders are always visible, even on unfocused windows.


Fullscreen backdrop

Fullscreen windows smaller than the monitor now have a monitor-sized black backdrop, as expected by xdg-shell. This makes all fullscreen windows consistent in how they look, while keeping the PaperWM-like property that they mostly behave like a regular column that you can scroll out of view if you want.


More improvements in this release

[!CAUTION] This is an alpha tag. There are known bugs and missing features. Don't be surprised if there's a breaking config change in the future.

Please check the README for building and installation instructions. Also, if you're on Fedora, I've got a COPR. NixOS users, check out

相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)

1、 niri-0.1.0-alpha.3-vendored-dependencies.tar.xz 50.44MB
