


版本发布时间: 2023-12-18 17:20:55

redisson/redisson最新发布版本:redisson-3.29.0(2024-04-22 16:31:34)

Improvement - JDK21 Virtual Threads compatibility

Fixed - EvictionTask keeps running even after destroy() method called
Fixed - Sprint Data Redis throws Subscription registration timeout exceeded
Fixed - Sprint Data Redis RedisMessageListenerContainer.addMessageListener() method hangs if called after container start
Fixed - NPE is thrown if lazyInitialization = true
Fixed - PriorityQueue methods may hang due to unreleased lock after exception
Fixed - RMap.getAll() method throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
Fixed - natMapper isn't applied to slaves and master nodes at start in Sentinel mode
Fixed - method invocation hangs after failover if retryInterval = 0
Fixed - transactional Map and MapCache keySet method returns inconsistent state
Fixed - Multilock lock method doesn't work properly with non-MILLISECONDS TimeUnit

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