


版本发布时间: 2023-12-18 17:17:50

FreeRTOS/FreeRTOS-Kernel最新发布版本:V11.1.0(2024-04-22 15:38:26)

Changes between FreeRTOS V10.6.2 and FreeRTOS V11.0.0 released December 18, 2023

+ SMP merged into the mainline:  While FreeRTOS introduced Asymmetric
  Multiprocessing (AMP) support in 2017, FreeRTOS Version 11.0.0 is the
  first to merge Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP) support into the mainline
  release. SMP enables one instance of the FreeRTOS Kernel to schedule tasks
  across multiple identical processor cores.  We thank Mike Bruno and Jerry
  McCarthy of XMOS and, Darian Liang, Sudeep Mohanty and Zim Kalinowski of
  Espressif Systems for their contributions.
+ Switch MISRA compliance checking from PC Lint to Coverity, and update from
  MISRA C:2004 to MISRA C:2012.
+ Add a template FreeRTOSConfig.h, inclusive of an abbreviated explanation of
  each configuration item. Application writers can use this template as a
  starting point to create the FreeRTOSConfig.h file for their application.
+ Add a template FreeRTOS port which can be used as a starting point for
  developing a new FreeRTOS port.
+ Add bounds checking and obfuscation to internal heap block pointers in
  heap_4.c and heap_5.c to help catch pointer corruptions. The application can
  enable these checks by setting configENABLE_HEAP_PROTECTOR to 1 in their
  FreeRTOSConfig.h. We thank @oliverlavery for their contribution.
+ Update vTaskList and vTaskGetRunTimeStats APIs to replace the use of sprintf
  with snprintf.
+ Add trace macros to ports that enable tracing the interaction of ISRs with
  scheduler events. We thank @conara for their contribution.
+ Add trace macros that enable tracing of entering and exiting all APIs. We
  thank @Techcore123 for their contribution.
+ Add uxTaskBasePriorityGet and uxTaskBasePriorityGetFromISR APIs to get the
  base priority of a task. The base priority of a task is the priority that
  was last assigned to the task - which due to priority inheritance, may not
  be the current priority of the task.
+ Add pdTICKS_TO_MS macro to convert time in FreeRTOS ticks to time in
  milliseconds. We thank @Dazza0 for their contribution.
+ Add default implementations of vApplicationGetIdleTaskMemory and
  vApplicationGetTimerTaskMemory. The application can enable these default
  implementations by setting configKERNEL_PROVIDED_STATIC_MEMORY to 1 in their
  FreeRTOSConfig.h. We thank @mdnr-g for their contribution.
+ Update vTaskGetInfo to include start and end of the stack whenever both
  values are available. We thank @vinceburns for their contribution.
+ Prevent tasks waiting for a notification from being resumed by calls to
  vTaskResume or vTaskResumeFromISR. We thank @Moral-Hao for their
+ Add asserts to validate that the application has correctly installed
  FreeRTOS handlers for PendSV and SVCall interrupts on Cortex-M devices.
  We thank @jefftenney for their contribution.
+ Rename ARM_CA53_64_BIT and ARM_CA53_64_BIT_SRE ports to Arm_AARCH64 and
  Arm_AARCH64_SRE respectively as these ports are applicable to all AArch64
  architecture. We thank @urutva for their contribution.
+ Add CMake support to allow the application writer to select the RISC-V
  chip extension. We thank @JoeBenczarski for their contribution.
+ Add CMake support to allow the application writer to build an application
  with static allocation only. We thank @conara for their contribution.
+ Make taskYIELD available to unprivileged tasks for ARMv8-M ports.
+ Update Cortex-M23 ports to not use PSPLIM_NS. We thank @urutva for their
+ Update the SysTick setup code for ARMv8-M ports to first configure the clock
  source and then enable SysTick. This is needed to address a bug in QEMU
  versions older than 7.0.0, which causes an emulation error if SysTick is
  enabled without first selecting a valid clock source. We thank @jefftenney
  for their contribution.
+ Add the port-optimized task selection algorithm optionally available for
  ARMv7-M ports to the ARMv8-M ports. We thank @jefftenney for their
+ Improve the speed of pvPortMalloc in heap_4.c and heap_5.c by removing
  unnecessary steps while splitting a large memory block into two. We thank
  @Moral-Hao for their contribution.
+ Shorten the critical section in pvPortMalloc in heap_2.c, heap_4.c and
  heap_5.c by moving the size calculation out of the critical section. We thank
  @Moral-Hao for their contribution.
+ Update xTaskNotifyWait and ulTaskNotifyTake to remove the non-deterministic
  operation of traversing a linked link from a critical section. We thank
  @karver8 for their contribution.
+ Fix stack end and stack size computation in POSIX port to meet the stack
  alignment requirements on MacOS. We thank @tegimeki for their contribution.
+ Update the vTaskPrioritySet implementation to use the new priority when the
  task has inherited priority from a mutex it is holding, and the new priority
  is bigger than the inherited priority. We thank @Moral-Hao for their
+ Add stack alignment adjustment if stack grows upwards. We thank @ivq for
  their contribution.
+ Fix pxTopOfStack calculation in configINIT_TLS_BLOCK when picolib C is
  selected as the C library implementation to ensure that
  pxPortInitialiseStack does not overwrite the data in the TLS block portion
  of the stack. We thank @bebebib-rs for their contribution.
+ Fix vPortEndScheduler() for the MSVC port so that the function
  prvProcessSimulatedInterrupts is not stuck in an infinite loop when the
  scheduler is stopped. We thank @Ju1He1 for their contribution.
+ Add the Pull Request (PR) Process explaining the stages a PR goes through.

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