版本发布时间: 2023-12-12 15:29:02
ant-design/pro-components最新发布版本:@ant-design/pro-components@2.7.12(2024-07-15 17:24:40)
- fix(layout): pass SiderProps to avatar render function (#7963). #7963 @jaulz
- fix(layout): slove DensityIcon setting not work (#7942). #7942 @ONLY-yours
- fix(form): fix cjs require statement (#7952). #7952 @shijistar
- fix(table): remove unless code (#7954). #7954 @linxianxi
- fix(table): DragSortTable --- Reorder columns by dragging and dropping columns will have issues when the table has fixed columns first (#7936). #7936 @tanjianyong
- fix(Descriptions): fix emptytext alway set error. 85f1366