


版本发布时间: 2023-12-05 17:44:31

redisson/redisson最新发布版本:redisson-3.29.0(2024-04-22 16:31:34)

Feature - RESP3 protocol support. protocol setting added Feature - Spring Data Redis 3.2.0 implementation Feature - RSetCacheV2, RSetV2 objects with more effecient partitioning in Cluster added in PRO version

Improvement - SLF4j updated to 2.0.9 version

Fixed - RFunction/RScript keys parameter accepts only String values Fixed - IP address instead of hostname is used in sentinel mode with SSL connection Fixed - Resources leak in Version.logVersion() method Fixed - RLiveObjectService.persist() method with varargs hangs in cluster mode Fixed - Redisson connection process may hang at start in some cases Fixed - EntryExpiredListener isn't invoked by RMapCache instance in Redis Cluster 7+ Fixed - slave node in sentinel mode can't be recovered if it's a master node Fixed - JsonJacksonCodec fails to serialize Throwable on Java17 (thanks to @tomjankes) Fixed - RBlockingDeque.move() throws an exception for empty result Fixed - RScoredSortedSet.pollFirstEntries(count) and pollLastEntries(count) methods return wrong result Fixed - BZMPOP command timeout isn't applied Fixed - getBlockingDeque(), getDeque(), getPriorityDeque(), getPriorityBlockingDeque() throw NoClassDefFoundError if JDK version < 21 Fixed - RLocalCachedMap.containsKey() method does not work properly if storeCacheMiss = true Fixed - RedissonRemoteService exceptions handling (thanks to @mrmx) Fixed - method throws NumberFormatException Fixed - HttpSessionListener.sessionDestroyed() method isn't called if Tomcat Session deleted by the node which didn't create it Fixed - LZ4CodecV2 isn't compatible with LZ4Codec Fixed - RSearch GroupBy.reduce alias isn't applied (thanks to @arjunE1395)

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