版本发布时间: 2023-11-23 08:35:09
Zeo666/AllTheRoles最新发布版本:0.11.13(2024-09-25 07:53:51)
🔥 What's New? 🔥
- "Game Start Cooldown" game setting
- "Meeting End Cooldown" game setting
- 4 new colours (Darkness, Royal Green, Ocean & Navy)
- Pelican & Berserker to "Killing Only" game mode
🔄 Changes 🔄
- "Random Spawn" game setting can be set to occur even after meetings
- Colours in colour selection is auto sorted from light to dark
- On/Off game settings text has been colourised
- Giant and Mini modifiers won't be assigned to players when The Fungle map is selected (Temporary)
- Several role based min/max game settings modified
✨ Bug Fixes ✨
- Players getting duplicate tasks
- Crewmates not being able to win by completing all tasks
- Spy not being able to vent or zipline properly and walking on the spot
- Deputy not being promoted to Sheriff when the Sheriff leaves or disconnects
- Button modifiers not having their buttons appear in game
- Investigator cams ability not working on The Fungle or Submerged
- Witch Hex not killing the target player in some circumstances
- Hex ability killer not showing on victim player in end game summary
- Sidekick not showing as Sidekick in task panel
- Sidekick not being promoted to Jackal when the Jackal leaves or disconnects
- Disconnect error causing issues with the lobby
- Votes not showing on players in meetings
- Bounty Hunter target icon not visible with a button modifier
- Bounty Hunter target not updating after bounty is collected
- Amnesiac remembering a Bounty Hunter and having no player target icon
- Bomber throw bomb button not displaying
- Bomber not jumping to their kill target when they use their kill ability
- Hunter kill button not showing in Hide and Seek
- Colourblind name text position in Hide and Seek
- When the Doomsayer shoots a lover correctly, their lover should die as well
- Several smaller bugs/errors
1、 AllTheRoles-0.11.7.zip 34.96MB
2、 AllTheRoles.dll 5.8MB