版本发布时间: 2023-11-16 02:41:39
evilsocket/legba最新发布版本:v0.6.0(2023-11-16 02:41:39)
- c5f6c71 new: added http.vhost virtual host enumeration
- 26539c9 new: implemented csv output format
- 3c9ad4f new: updated astbc-ssh2-tokio dependency to 0.8.2
- 778c2a9 misc: small fix or general refactoring i did not bother commenting
- a1bb54f new: increased default timeout and decreased default retries to address cases like #20
- 6438347 fix: using shared state to signal other plugin workers about unreachable endpoints
- 8473773 misc: small fix or general refactoring i did not bother commenting