


版本发布时间: 2023-11-15 23:51:59

ocornut/imgui最新发布版本:v1.90.5(2024-04-11 22:25:22)


Reading the changelog is a good way to keep up to date with the things Dear ImGui has to offer, and maybe will give you ideas of some features that you've been ignoring until now!

📣 Click version number above to display full release note contents, otherwise it is clipped by GitHub!

Homepage: Release notes: FAQ: Getting Started: Issues:

Did you know? We have a Wiki! It has sections such as this Getting Started and Useful Extensions Gallery! 👌

Thank you! ❤️

Dear ImGui is funded by your contributions and needs them to sustain and grow. We can invoice and accommodate to many situations. If your company uses Dear ImGui, please reach out. See Sponsors page.

Ongoing work on Dear ImGui is currently financially supported by:

Special thanks to @GamingMinds-DanielC, @PathogenDavid, @sakiodre, for their help with github answers.

Last release we reached 50000 stars. Our latest arbitrary milestone is that for a brief moment we had 777 open issues and 4444 closed ones.

Huge thank you to all past and present supporters! Also thanks to PVS Studio (great static analyzer) for providing us with a license for this project.


This is a followup to v1.89, v1.89.1, v1.89.2, v1.89.3, v1.89.4, v1.89.5, v1.89.6, v1.89.7, v1.89.8, v1.89.9. We are trying to make more frequent releases. Because: some people are relying on tagging and auto-generated bindings for other languages. And: it sets a beat and may encourage teams to update more frequently. Remember that our policy is to comment out obsolete names/symbols after 24 months, so at minimum you must update once year to reduce update complexity, but the most frequently you update the easier it will be.

I have been stubbornly deferring tagging 1.90 for while because I wanted to include the multi-select feature in it. Guess what? It's not done (now scheduled for 1.91)! And because 1.90 changelog is big enough already I'm tagging it now. There are about 1000 lines of changelog between 1.89 and 1.90.


Resizable child windows child_resizable2_with_constraints

Angled table headers table angled headers 3

Breaking Changes:

Other Changes:

Changes from 1.89.9 to 1.90.0 related to the docking branch (multi-viewport and docking features):

Changes from 1.89.9 to 1.90.0 related to the prototype range-select branch:

This is a new API that hasn't been discussed much in public yet. Ignore if you are not one of the few users. If you happen to be using this please do get in contact. I know I said this API would have been stabilized by now, but it's not! I expect that the latest major API breaking changes are now done. Hopefully this is on track to be stable and merged in 1.91.

Open for details of Multi-Select/Range-Select changes
  • RangeSelect/MultiSelect: (Breaking) ImGuiMultiSelectIO now contains a ImVector<ImGuiSelectionRequest> list. This api will allow box-selection to work. (see a1e85e0).
  • RangeSelect/MultiSelect: (breaking) renamed ImGuiMultiSelectFlags_ClearOnClickWindowVoid to ImGuiMultiSelectFlags_ClearOnClickVoid.
  • RangeSelect/MultiSelect: added support for nested/stacked BeginMultiSelect().
  • RangeSelect/MultiSelect: added ImGuiMultiSelectFlags_ScopeWindow, ImGuiMultiSelectFlags_ScopeRect to override/specify scope.
  • RangeSelect/MultiSelect: added support for ImGuiMultiSelectFlags_BoxSelect (doesn't work well with clipper yet).
  • RangeSelect/MultiSelect: added support for missing EndMultiSelect() recovery in ErrorCheckEndWindowRecover().
  • RangeSelect/MultiSelect: clarified purpose and use of IsItemToggledSelection(). Added assert. Moved to multi-selection section of imgui.h.
  • RangeSelect/MultiSelect: demo: rework and move selection adapter inside ExampleSelection.
  • RangeSelect/MultiSelect: various internal fixes/improvements.

Thank you for reading this changelog!

New exciting projects!

Since 1.89 we semi-sneakily soft launched two new entire projects!

Dear ImGui Automation/Test Engine & Test Suite

Dear Bindings: alternative binding generator for C and other languages by @ShironekoBen (as an alternative to good old cimgui).

Some interesting new third-party projects:


Some debug tools in Alan Wake 2 Alan Wake 2 6544c372589da1e2a2285809_luau_weather_system

@allenwp: The AV Toolkit is an open source software suite that is used to accurately measure audio latency of consumer electronics for the purpose of audio-video synchronization (AV sync). will soon be integrating this toolkit into their test methods. AV tooltip

@skaarj1989: SupernovaEngine SceneEditor

@coumcashier: "I would like to find out what ImGui's styling system could do. So I created a clone of the sign in page for a popular gaming platform. It implements changing border color on hover/active state for buttons and checkbox as this is commonly found in web apps but not provided by default in ImGui. Its follows the vibe design system from"

@pavelsevecek: "I'm using ImGui for my space simulation software." image

@Froyok: "I'm still iterating on my Game Engine UI and now have switched to the docking branch. I'm using a lot of custom tweaks in here, but without modifying Dear ImGui itself." 2023-09-13__18-28-05

Machina Labs ( using Dear ImGui, spotted in SmarterEveryDays Video about incremental sheet forming: image

Quake II remastered debug tools QII_Tech_debug_in-body

@hugeproblem: "Yet another node graph editor [..] It's not a immediate-mode-node-graph addon for ImGui, but more of a (embeddable, customizable, extensible, scriptable) standalone application. It has nice looking default appearance:" visuals7 (+ many cool gifs at

@JorenJoestar: "As needed aid to write our "Mastering Graphics Programming with Vulkan", ImGui was essential. Probably not the most advanced usage of it, but the possibility of debugging any texture in realtime (especially with bindless rendering), or having a simple but effective GPU profiler, needed to check the timings for each technique developed for each chapter, or simply having all the debug options and tweables for each render subsystem was like having a team to help!" raptor_ch15_imgui

@ocjb: "My work in progress game engine." image

IOLITE voxel game engine screenshot_19

Meta XR Simulator 378383830_1358858478377994_5108334384719819498_n

Generative Fill for Video at Adobe Max #ProjectFastFill Capture

@arnaud-jamin: "Cog is a set of debug tools for Unreal Engine" image

Adventure game Engine for MSX2 + game Stan the Dreamers

@guillaC: SQLiteDiskExplorer and "SQLiteDiskExplorer is a tool designed to assist you in the efficient management of your SQLite files. Explore and manage your SQLite files with ease using SQLiteDiskExplorer, Your valuable data is just a scan away !" image image

Wallet "is application that lets you manage your stock and finance. It is meant to be lite and efficient. It is not a trading platform." wallet

@TheGoodDoktor: "Spectrum Analyser is a program that helps you to reverse engineer ZX Spectrum games. I wrote it for my own amusement but others have found it interesting too." Spectrum Analyser

@quantmage: QuantMage is a SaaS platform for algorithmic & quantitative stock investment. It's using ImGui+WASM for its logic editor and backtesting tool frontend. Screenshot 2023-10-30 at 10 32 02 AM

@jamesdolezal: "Slideflow Studio is a user interface for deploying deep learning models for digital pathology research applications. Dear Imgui (and the python wrapper, pyimgui) were essential in making this a success. Thank you for developing this wonderful framework!" slideflow_studio

@Saul-Alejandro-Gonzalez-Vilchis: "INDEX 2024 is a game engine IDE program that will be released on December 31, 2023 also powered by the private hazel source code. Its user interface is so beautiful that a lot of effort will be put into it. that's why we will add a "Ribbon Bar" system. [...] Thank for ImGui & Hazel Core Team"

@Ermelber: Mario Kart Toolbox: "This is a Mario Kart DS modding suite I've been working on with @Gericom. This uses the latest and greatest .NET 7.0 with C# bindings thanks to ImGui.NET (using an OpenGL backend with [OpenTK] and we use a modified version of ImGuizmo for 3D controls." Screenshot 2023-11-13 100615

Also see previous releases details. Note that GitHub are now clamping release notes sometimes really badly, click on a header/title to read full notes.

Dear ImGui is funded by your contributions and needs them to sustain and grow. We can invoice and accommodate to many situations. If your company uses Dear ImGui, please reach out. See Sponsors page.

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