版本发布时间: 2023-11-03 22:13:44
baptisteArno/typebot.io最新发布版本:v2.28.2(2024-09-06 21:50:18)
- ⚡ Add cache-control header on newly uploaded files [d1502f8]
- 🚑 Move cache control header into the post policy [a855d85]
- ✏️ (billing) Fix plan name typo [bdf9fae]
- 🐛 Fix formatted message in input block when input is retried [a564181]
- ✏️ Fix CORSRules content typo for S3 config [585e1d4]
- 🐛 (number) Fix number input validation with variables [7586eca]
- 🐛 Fix group duplicate new title bug [2d1ce73]
- 💚 Fix checkAndReportChatsUsage script sending multiple emails at once [3f7f094]
- ✏️ Fix manual deployment doc start script typo [a347a27]
- 🐛 Fix graph flickering on high res displays (#959) [f1e3836]