


版本发布时间: 2018-09-07 19:07:34

visionmedia/page.js最新发布版本:v1.11.5(2019-09-27 19:17:29)

This is a minor release, adding the new page.create() API, for creating distinct page objects.

Calling page.create(options) create a new page function that behaves just like the global page. It contains its own internal state, options, and event handlers. You can target the page to another window, like an iframe or a popup, if you want.

var newPage = page.create({
  window: someIframe.contentWindow

The main reason for adding this feature was to clean up or testing infrastructure. Numerous things had to be done in the past to make sure each test was cleanly in isolation. That stuff is no longer necessary now that we can just create a new page instance for each test.

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