


版本发布时间: 2023-10-31 22:28:56

remix-run/react-router最新发布版本:react-router@6.19.0(2023-11-16 22:48:59)

Minor Changes

New Fetcher APIs

Per this RFC, we've introduced some new APIs that give you more granular control over your fetcher behaviors. (#10960)

Persistence Future Flag (future.v7_fetcherPersist)

Per the same RFC as above, we've introduced a new future.v7_fetcherPersist flag that allows you to opt-into the new fetcher persistence/cleanup behavior. Instead of being immediately cleaned up on unmount, fetchers will persist until they return to an idle state. This makes pending/optimistic UI much easier in scenarios where the originating fetcher needs to unmount. (#10962)

Other Minor Changes

Patch Changes

Full Changelog: 6.17.0...6.18.0

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