


版本发布时间: 2018-09-04 22:01:12

pagehelper/Mybatis-PageHelper最新发布版本:v6.0.0(2023-11-05 11:52:39)

5.1.5 - 2018-09-02

增加 aggregateFunctions 参数后,和原先最大的区别是,如果存在 select ifnull(xxx, yy) from table ...,原先的 count 查询是 select count(0) from (select ifnull(xxx, yy) from table ...) temp_count,现在会区别聚合函数,如果不是聚合函数,就会变成 select count(0) from table ...


 * 聚合函数,以下列函数开头的都认为是聚合函数
private static final Set<String> AGGREGATE_FUNCTIONS = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(
        "ARRAY_AGG," +
        "AVG," +
        "BIT_" +
        //"BIT_AND," +
        //"BIT_OR," +
        //"BIT_XOR," +
        "BOOL_," +
        //"BOOL_AND," +
        //"BOOL_OR," +
        "CHECKSUM_AGG," +
        "COLLECT," +
        "CORR," +
        //"CORR_," +
        //"CORRELATION," +
        "COUNT," +
        //"COUNT_BIG," +
        "COVAR," +
        //"COVAR_POP," +
        //"COVAR_SAMP," +
        //"COVARIANCE," +
        //"COVARIANCE_SAMP," +
        "CUME_DIST," +
        "DENSE_RANK," +
        "EVERY," +
        "FIRST," +
        "GROUP," +
        //"GROUP_CONCAT," +
        //"GROUP_ID," +
        //"GROUPING," +
        //"GROUPING," +
        //"GROUPING_ID," +
        "JSON_," +
        //"JSON_AGG," +
        //"JSON_ARRAYAGG," +
        //"JSON_OBJECT_AGG," +
        //"JSON_OBJECTAGG," +
        //"JSONB_AGG," +
        //"JSONB_OBJECT_AGG," +
        "LAST," +
        "LISTAGG," +
        "MAX," +
        "MEDIAN," +
        "MIN," +
        "PERCENT_," +
        //"PERCENT_RANK," +
        //"PERCENTILE_CONT," +
        //"PERCENTILE_DISC," +
        "RANK," +
        "REGR_," +
        "SELECTIVITY," +
        "STATS_," +
        //"STATS_BINOMIAL_TEST," +
        //"STATS_CROSSTAB," +
        //"STATS_F_TEST," +
        //"STATS_KS_TEST," +
        //"STATS_MODE," +
        //"STATS_MW_TEST," +
        //"STATS_ONE_WAY_ANOVA," +
        //"STATS_T_TEST_*," +
        //"STATS_WSR_TEST," +
        "STD," +
        //"STDDEV," +
        //"STDDEV_POP," +
        //"STDDEV_SAMP," +
        //"STDDEV_SAMP," +
        //"STDEV," +
        //"STDEVP," +
        "STRING_AGG," +
        "SUM," +
        "SYS_OP_ZONE_ID," +
        "SYS_XMLAGG," +
        "VAR," +
        //"VAR_POP," +
        //"VAR_SAMP," +
        //"VARIANCE," +
        //"VARIANCE_SAMP," +
        //"VARP," +

5.1.5 - 2018-09-02

After adding the aggregateFunctions parameter, the biggest difference from the original is that if there is select ifnull(XXX,YY) from table ..., the original count query is select count(0) from (select ifnull(xxx,yy) from table ... ) temp_count now distinguishes aggregate functions, if not aggregate functions, it will become select count(0) from table ....

The aggregate function prefixes included by default are as the above code.

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