版本发布时间: 2023-10-29 22:07:15
onevcat/Kingfisher最新发布版本:8.1.0(2024-10-13 22:56:42)
- Actually add the privacy manifest files to the xcframework, Swift Package Manager and CocoaPods. #2122 #2156 @CloudosaurusRex @NikcN22
- Enable the modulemap generation and
header again for ObjC compatibility. #2138 @yev-kanivets
- Use the trait collection to determine animated image scale, instead of the deprecated
API. #2157 @hyun99999 - An issue that a local AV asset creates multiple disk caches when connected to Xcode during Debug phase. #2158 @onevcat @elijahdou
- The disk cache now is still availiable when the whole cache folder is removed by external operations instead of the methods in Kingfisher. #2162 @onevcat @uclort
- Some documentation and CI impro/vements.
1、 Kingfisher-7.10.0.zip 33.04MB