


版本发布时间: 2023-10-26 07:27:38

NVIDIA/NeMo最新发布版本:v2.0.0rc0(2024-06-06 13:46:45)





NeMo Framework

NeMo Core

NeMo Tools


For additional information regarding NeMo containers, please visit:

docker pull


  • Fix require_grad typos by @kit1980 :: PR: #6930
  • typos? auto-repressively -> auto-regressively by @vadimkantorov :: PR: #6989
  • Adding tutorial for confidence ensembles by @Kipok :: PR: #6932
  • Add support for Numba FP16 RNNT Loss by @titu1994 :: PR: #6991
  • fix install_beamsearch_decoders by @karpnv :: PR: #7011
  • rnnt and char utils by @karpnv :: PR: #6971
  • ASR Confidence update and tutorial by @GNroy :: PR: #6810
  • st standalone model by @AlexGrinch :: PR: #6969
  • Fix typo in ASR-TTS tutorial by @artbataev :: PR: #7049
  • Update Frame-VAD doc and fix onnx export by @stevehuang52 :: PR: #7076
  • Fast Conformer global token fix by @sam1373 :: PR: #7085
  • Added script to extract ASR CTC and RNNT models from ASR hybrid models by @trias702 :: PR: #7092
  • Fix absolute path in path join call by @kingjan1999 :: PR: #7099
  • NeMo ASR Demo by @lleaver :: PR: #7110
  • Fix plot function in by @stevehuang52 :: PR: #7113
  • Fixed small bug with NoisePerturbationWithNormalization by @trias702 :: PR: #7118
  • Merge release r1.20.0 to main by @ericharper :: PR: #7167
  • minor fix for conformer subsampling docstring. by @XuesongYang :: PR: #7195
  • [ASR] Fix GPU memory leak in by @rlangman :: PR: #7249
  • Adding Multilingual, Code-Switched, and Hybrid ASR models by @KunalDhawan :: PR: #7250
  • fix partial transcribe by @stevehuang52 :: PR: #7284
  • Conv1d subsampling by @burchim :: PR: #7294
  • add bf16 inference support and fix seq_len stft issue by @nithinraok :: PR: #7338
  • Add finetuning scripts by @nithinraok :: PR: #7263
  • Move parameter: trainer -> exp_manager (for PTL 2.0) by @artbataev :: PR: #7339
  • Fix typos by @omahs :: PR: #7361
  • Fix wrong calling of librosa.get_duration() in notebook by @RobinDong :: PR: #7376
  • RNN-T confidence and alignment bugfix (#7381) by @GNroy :: PR: #7459
  • update branch by @nithinraok :: PR: #7488
  • Replace strategy = None with strategy = auto for notebooks by @athitten :: PR: #7521
  • Fix PTL2.0 related ASR bugs in r1.21.0: Val metrics logging, None dataloader issue by @KunalDhawan :: PR: #7531
  • gpus -> devices by @nithinraok :: PR: #7542
  • [BugFix] Add missing quotes for auto strategy in tutorial notebooks by @athitten :: PR: #7541
  • Append output of val_step to self.validation_step_outputs in EncMaskDecAudioToAudioModel by @athitten :: PR: #7543
  • fix validation_step_outputs initialization for multi-dataloader by @KunalDhawan :: PR: #7546
  • Append val/test output to instance variable in EncDecSpeakerLabelModel by @athitten :: PR: #7562
  • update strategy by @nithinraok :: PR: #7577
  • Typo fixes by @Kipok :: PR: #7591
  • Fix metrics for SE tutorial by @anteju :: PR: #7604
  • fix ssl models ptl monitor val through logging by @nithinraok :: PR: #7608
  • Fix py3.11 dataclasses issue by @titu1994 :: PR: #7582
  • bugfix: trainer.gpus, trainer.strategy, trainer.accelerator by @XuesongYang :: PR: #7621
  • Safeguard nemo_text_processing installation on ARM (#7485) by @blisc :: PR: #7619
  • [ASR] Fix type error in jasper by @rlangman :: PR: #7636
  • Fix vad & speech command tutorial - onnx by @fayejf :: PR: #7671
  • Replace strategy='dp'/None with 'auto' by @athitten :: PR: #7681
  • Fix multi rank finetune for ASR by @titu1994 :: PR: #7684
  • fix ptl_bugs in by @jzi040941 :: PR: #7689
  • Add NLPDDPStrategyNotebook and change trainer gpus to devices by @athitten :: PR: #7741
  • Updated installation of ctc-decoders by @vsl9 :: PR: #7746
  • Fix bug wrt change decoding strategy for bpe models by @titu1994 :: PR: #7762


  • [TTS] Add cosine distance option to TTS aligner by @rlangman :: PR: #6806
  • [TTS] Add tutorial for TTS data prep scripts by @rlangman :: PR: #6922
  • update TTS readme by @XuesongYang :: PR: #7088
  • [TTS] Create EnCodec training recipe by @rlangman :: PR: #6852
  • [TTS][ZH] add Chinese TTS recipes based on IPA symbol sets. by @XuesongYang :: PR: #6893
  • [TTS] Add output audio format to preprocessing by @rlangman :: PR: #6889
  • [TTS] Remove nested TTS configs by @rlangman :: PR: #7154
  • [TTS] Fix TTS recipes with PTL 2.0 by @rlangman :: PR: #7188
  • [TTS] Add license to ported EnCodec code by @rlangman :: PR: #7197
  • [Fix] Discriminator update in AudioCodecModel by @anteju :: PR: #7209
  • Adapter ipa Tutorial and config update by @styagi130 :: PR: #7260
  • [TTS] Audio codec fixes by @rlangman :: PR: #7266
  • [TTS] minor fix typos and input_types by @XuesongYang :: PR: #7272
  • specify explicitly to set pretrained model paths by @styagi130 :: PR: #7305
  • [TTS] Update AudioCodec API by @anteju :: PR: #7310
  • [TTS] Add additional config to preprocess_text and compute_feature_stats by @rlangman :: PR: #7321
  • [TTS] Change audio codec token type to TokenIndex by @rlangman :: PR: #7356
  • fixed trainer.strategy=auto from None. by @XuesongYang :: PR: #7369
  • [TTS] Added a callback for logging initial data by @anteju :: PR: #7384
  • [TTS] bugfix: trainer.accelerator=auto from None. by @XuesongYang :: PR: #7492
  • bugfix: specify trainer.strategy=auto when devices=1 by @XuesongYang :: PR: #7509
  • Fix dimensionality in get_dist function by @redoctopus :: PR: #7506
  • Fix TTS FastPitch tutorial by @hsiehjackson :: PR: #7494
  • [TTS] remove curly braces from in jupyer notebook cell. by @XuesongYang :: PR: #7554
  • [TTS] fixed trainer's accelerator and strategy. by @XuesongYang :: PR: #7569
  • Change hifigan finetune strategy to ddp_find_unused_parameters_true by @hsiehjackson :: PR: #7579
  • Fix validation in G2PModel and ThutmoseTaggerModel by @athitten :: PR: #7597
  • [TTS] Fix FastPitch data prep tutorial by @rlangman :: PR: #7602
  • [TTS] Add dataset to path of logged artifacts by @rlangman :: PR: #7651


  • Minor MPT-7B fixes and creation script update by @trias702 :: PR: #6982
  • remove hard coded input and output fields by @arendu :: PR: #7008
  • RoPE length extrapolation with interpolation by @MaximumEntropy :: PR: #7005
  • add async + distopt to sft by @MaximumEntropy :: PR: #7018
  • ptuning inference table bug fix by @arendu :: PR: #7015
  • Fix missing import for GPT SFT by @MaximumEntropy :: PR: #7026
  • Add end_strings to SamplingParams by @markelsanz14 :: PR: #6986
  • Fix race condition for downloading cache when executing with multi-node by @findkim :: PR: #7016
  • added back the retro documents. by @yidong72 :: PR: #7033
  • remove pos emb from state dict for old models by @ekmb :: PR: #7068
  • memmap worker arg by @arendu :: PR: #7062
  • Disable distopt contiguous param buffer by default by @timmoon10 :: PR: #7095
  • [Fix] load_state_dict in by @stevehuang52 :: PR: #7086
  • Fix tokenizer file caching where torch.distributed may not be initialized yet by @findkim :: PR: #7061
  • freeze base mode on init during peft by @arendu :: PR: #7152
  • Include the scripts for preprocessing OAST and unit tests for chat sft datasets by @yidong72 :: PR: #7112
  • T5 metrics fix by @jubick1337 :: PR: #7037
  • megatron gpt training fix by @anmolgupt :: PR: #7199
  • Fix T5 using FA by @hsiehjackson :: PR: #7196
  • fix-causal-fa-infer by @hsiehjackson :: PR: #7200
  • Fix gpt trainer test by @hsiehjackson :: PR: #6915
  • Load ub_cfg from hydra config by @jbaczek :: PR: #7003
  • Fixes for lightning 2.0 upgrade by @athitten :: PR: #7176
  • Fix which was off by one batch by @odelalleau :: PR: #7212
  • Start using ModelParallelConfig from Megatron Core by @ericharper :: PR: #6885
  • deprecation warning by @arendu :: PR: #7193
  • Fix attention mask inference by @hsiehjackson :: PR: #7213
  • Use GPTModel from mcore by @ericharper :: PR: #7093
  • Add bf16-mixed and 16-mixed in by @athitten :: PR: #7227
  • Refactor LLM pretraining examples by @maanug-nv :: PR: #7159
  • Add only trainable parameters to optimizer group in PEFT by @guyueh1 :: PR: #7230
  • Dummy class for ModelParallelConfig by @ericharper :: PR: #7254
  • [TN][Docs] update language coverage matrix and refs by @mgrafu :: PR: #7247
  • tied weights for adapters by @arendu :: PR: #6928
  • Fix skip generation by @hsiehjackson :: PR: #7270
  • Hidden transforms model parallel config + CI with Perceiver by @michalivne :: PR: #7241
  • Fix restore sequence parallel by @hsiehjackson :: PR: #7273
  • fix ptuning and lora model_parallel_config by @blahBlahhhJ :: PR: #7287
  • Fix adapters and ptuning for amp O2 by @guyueh1 :: PR: #7285
  • remove additional line in peft state dict by @blahBlahhhJ :: PR: #7293
  • loss mask aware final layer applicaiton by @arendu :: PR: #7275
  • Adding server option to peft eval by @Davood-M :: PR: #7292
  • migrated class CSVFieldsMemmapDataset from BioNeMo by @dorotat-nv :: PR: #7314
  • remove old prompt table for storing cached ptunig representations by @arendu :: PR: #7295
  • Bugfix and optimization in by @odelalleau :: PR: #7267
  • Set a default value when getting by @yaox12 :: PR: #7115
  • Distributed checkpointing with mcore GPT by @ericharper :: PR: #7116
  • Fix activation checkpoint by @hsiehjackson :: PR: #7334
  • Replace prefetch with val iterator check in megatron models by @athitten :: PR: #7318
  • Fixing indentation bug in indexed_dataset memory deallocation by @michalivne :: PR: #7352
  • NeMo MCore llama2 support + MCore PEFT adapters by @blahBlahhhJ :: PR: #7299
  • Hiddens modules documentation by @michalivne :: PR: #7303
  • Support for flash attention 2.0 by @MaximumEntropy :: PR: #7063
  • multiple fields can form a context by @arendu :: PR: #7147
  • adding bias_dropout_add_fusion option for BERT by @clumsy :: PR: #7332
  • enable selective unfreeze by @arendu :: PR: #7326
  • Upgrade pytorch container to 23.08 by @ericharper :: PR: #7353
  • enable fp32 optimizer for output_layer in mcore by @lhb8125 :: PR: #7355
  • Revert comment by @ericharper :: PR: #7368
  • fix pipeline parallel inference by @blahBlahhhJ :: PR: #7367
  • fix for peft tied weights by @arendu :: PR: #7372
  • add O2 option in gpt eval by @blahBlahhhJ :: PR: #7358
  • Move model precision copy by @maanug-nv :: PR: #7336
  • Fix PEFT checkpoint loading by @blahBlahhhJ :: PR: #7388
  • Use distributed optimizer support for multiple dtypes by @timmoon10 :: PR: #7359
  • [PATCH] PEFT import mcore by @blahBlahhhJ :: PR: #7393
  • Use cfg attribute in bert by @maanug-nv :: PR: #7394
  • Add support for bias conversion in Swiglu models by @titu1994 :: PR: #7386
  • Update save_to and restore_from for dist checkpointing by @ericharper :: PR: #7343
  • fix forward for with mcore=false by @JimmyZhang12 :: PR: #7403
  • Fix logging to remove 's/it' from progress bar in Megatron models and add train_step_timing by @athitten :: PR: #7374
  • Set Activation Checkpointing Defaults by @aklife97 :: PR: #7404
  • Make loss mask default to false by @ericharper :: PR: #7407
  • Add dummy userbuffer config files by @erhoo82 :: PR: #7408
  • Add missing ubconf files by @aklife97 :: PR: #7412
  • Update ptl training ckpt conversion script to work with dist ckpt by @ericharper :: PR: #7416
  • Add strategy as ddp_find_unused_parameters_true for by @athitten :: PR: #7454
  • fix bug when loading dist ckpt in peft by @lhb8125 :: PR: #7479
  • Fix CustomProgressBar for resume by @athitten :: PR: #7427
  • Append val output to self.validation_step_outputs in GLUEModel by @athitten :: PR: #7530
  • Cherry pick Fix sft dataset truncation (#7464) to r1.21.0 by @ericharper :: PR: #7550
  • Avoid duplicated dist checkpoint save by @mikolajblaz :: PR: #7555
  • layernorm1p fix by @dimapihtar :: PR: #7523
  • r1.21: SFT model parallel fix for dist ckpt by @aklife97 :: PR: #7520
  • PEFT needs mp config propagated for dist ckpt by @ericharper :: PR: #7589
  • Fix ptuning crash for llama 2 ckpt by @yuanzhedong :: PR: #7594
  • PEFT eval fix by @cuichenx :: PR: #7626
  • Propagate mp config for continue training by @ericharper :: PR: #7637
  • Add ddp_find_unused_parameters=True and change accelerator to auto by @athitten :: PR: #7623
  • Add find_unused_parameters_true for text_classiftn and punctuation_capitalization by @athitten :: PR: #7649
  • conversion issue fix by @dimapihtar :: PR: #7648
  • Fix a nlp nb onnx by @fayejf :: PR: #7703
  • Add activations_checkpoint related args for model cfg in lora.ipynb by @athitten :: PR: #7752
  • Change accelerator to 'auto' in by @athitten :: PR: #7747
  • Add reconfigure microbatch calculator before inference and update GBS, MBS for inference by @athitten :: PR: #7763
  • Create PrecisionPlugin for trainer by @athitten :: PR: #7767

NeMo Tools

  • Update doc, new tutorial on SDE by @Jorjeous :: PR: #7405
  • Fix branch version for SDE by @titu1994 :: PR: #7528


  • Added bool types to neural_types export by @tbartley94 :: PR: #7032

General Improvements

  • Add migration guide for lightning 2.0 upgrade by @athitten :: PR: #7360
  • add support for max_total_length=4096 for 43b by @Zhilin123 :: PR: #6763
  • Change Jenkins timeout by @ericharper :: PR: #6997
  • Update SDP docs page with a new documentation link by @Kipok :: PR: #7029
  • Fixed tutorial's name by @vsl9 :: PR: #7047
  • Revert Fix import guard checks by @titu1994 :: PR: #7125
  • Fix import guard checks by @titu1994 :: PR: #7126
  • fix for various exceptions by ast by @stevehuang52 :: PR: #7150
  • NFA bugfix: remove any empty segments by @erastorgueva-nv :: PR: #7155
  • NFA subtitle file config - specify colors and vertical alignment by @erastorgueva-nv :: PR: #7160
  • add paths to labeler. by @XuesongYang :: PR: #7087
  • [Bugfix] Fix a bug in filtering checkpoints by @yaox12 :: PR: #6851
  • Update README.rst by @fayejf :: PR: #7175
  • Make NFA subtitles stay until end of video by @erastorgueva-nv :: PR: #7189
  • Uncomment removal of exp_dir in JenkinsFile by @athitten :: PR: #7198
  • NFA: replace ellipses in text with 3 periods by @erastorgueva-nv :: PR: #7208
  • NFA tutorial notebook by @erastorgueva-nv :: PR: #7210
  • NFA docs: update READMEs and links, add docs page by @erastorgueva-nv :: PR: #7219
  • Make image centering in NFA README actually work by @erastorgueva-nv :: PR: #7220
  • Add mcore installation to Dockerfile by @ericharper :: PR: #7237
  • Checkpoint averaging for model parallel by @Kipok :: PR: #7252
  • Upgrade hydra and omegaconf by @athitten :: PR: #7243
  • Update numba support in docker by @titu1994 :: PR: #7271
  • remove deprecated scripts from ci by @arendu :: PR: #7239
  • Logging model checkpoints as artifacts in MlFlow by @AlirezaMorsali :: PR: #7258
  • Adithyare/peft metric calculation by @arendu :: PR: #7304
  • Resume checkpoint priority by @maanug-nv :: PR: #7335
  • lora merge fix for O2 names by @arendu :: PR: #7325
  • Llama load buffers in checkpoint by @blahBlahhhJ :: PR: #7357
  • pin numba=0.57.1 to fix error by @XuesongYang :: PR: #7366
  • Update to core 23.08 branch ToT by @aklife97 :: PR: #7371
  • Upper bounding ptl by @ericharper :: PR: #7370
  • minor fix for llama ckpt conversion script by @blahBlahhhJ :: PR: #7387
  • Update Core Commit by @aklife97 :: PR: #7402
  • Fix resume from checkpoint in exp_manager by @athitten :: PR: #7424
  • add sleep by @gshennvm :: PR: #7498
  • Fix exp manager check for sleep by @titu1994 :: PR: #7503
  • unpin setuptools by @fayejf :: PR: #7534
  • Update FFMPEG version to fix issue with torchaudio by @titu1994 :: PR: #7551
  • fix typos in nfa and speech enhancement tutorials by @erastorgueva-nv :: PR: #7580
  • best ckpt fix by @dimapihtar :: PR: #7564
  • add build os key by @nithinraok :: PR: #7596
  • Fix issues with Dockerfile by @titu1994 :: PR: #7650
  • Change confidence parameters in the test by @Kipok :: PR: #7680
  • bugfix: pin nemo-text-process to fix Chinese normalizer error. by @XuesongYang :: PR: #7627
  • Remove, point to NeMo page instead by @erastorgueva-nv :: PR: #7694
  • Pin mcore to 0.3 by @ericharper :: PR: #7751
  • fix hybrid eval by @karpnv :: PR: #7759
  • Update Apex install command in Dockerfile by @ericharper :: PR: #7794

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1、 asset-post-2024-01-03-parakeet_arch.png 372.82KB

2、 asset-post-2024-01-03-parakeet_leaderboard.png 889.04KB
