


版本发布时间: 2023-10-24 01:49:40

vitorpamplona/amethyst最新发布版本:v0.80.7(2023-11-09 04:00:46)

Makes sure only one npub is logged in at the same time Update UI dependencies Making sure the UI update from language is in the Main thread. Solves NPE when the TextToSpeech engine isn't ready. Fixes status update field when more than one status is available. Moves Relay and User Metadata update buttons from Post to Save. Slight adjustment on the rendering of hashtags.

相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)

1、 amethyst-fdroid-arm64-v8a-v0.79.13.apk 11.39MB

2、 amethyst-fdroid-armeabi-v7a-v0.79.13.apk 11.32MB

3、 amethyst-fdroid-universal-v0.79.13.apk 17.29MB

4、 amethyst-fdroid-v0.79.13.aab 21.6MB

5、 amethyst-fdroid-x86-v0.79.13.apk 11.47MB

6、 amethyst-fdroid-x86_64-v0.79.13.apk 11.53MB

7、 amethyst-googleplay-arm64-v8a-v0.79.13.apk 27.09MB

8、 amethyst-googleplay-armeabi-v7a-v0.79.13.apk 22.72MB

9、 amethyst-googleplay-universal-v0.79.13.apk 77.13MB

10、 amethyst-googleplay-v0.79.13.aab 48.68MB

11、 amethyst-googleplay-x86-v0.79.13.apk 29.09MB

12、 amethyst-googleplay-x86_64-v0.79.13.apk 29.08MB
