


版本发布时间: 2015-05-02 03:26:14

BinaryAnalysisPlatform/bap最新发布版本:v2.6.0-alpha(2023-01-07 09:19:49)

  1. BAP structure is refactored

    Complex hierarchy is now hidden under one umbrella bap.mli. Bap_* modules are marked as internal and is no more installable and, thus, they do not polute the namespace. This will of course, break the code that used this internal modules. It is intended behavior.

  2. New documentation generator

    camlp4 messes with mli files, rendering autogenerated API unreadable. To mitigate this, a small bapdoc tool was written that preprocess file and removes all syntax extensions, and then run ocamldoc on a preprocessed file. The tool was integrated with build system.

  3. Disabled peer checking when downloading signatures

  4. Fixed assembly pretty-printing

  5. Fixed reading PE-64

  6. Fixed Block.dfs exhaustiveness issue. Also Block.dfs now has an order parameter, allowing to choose between post-order and pre-order traversal.

  7. Fixed to_graph issue, i.e., #181

  8. Fixed bapbuild double linking, see #193

  9. Ordered block destinations, see #191

  10. Fixed an issue in x86 lifter, see #198

  11. Fixed interaction with IDA, see #189

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