


版本发布时间: 2023-09-28 00:10:00

TransformerOptimus/SuperAGI最新发布版本:v0.0.14(2024-01-16 22:21:23)

✨SuperAGI v0.0.13✨

⚡️SuperAGI Client libraries, 🌐 Improved error-handling, and ⏯️ Wait-block for workflows

Improvements to the Core ⚙

⏯️ Added wait block for workflows:

Users can now add a waiting period into their workflows so that the agent pauses and waits for a specified duration before moving on to the next step. The Wait block is a simple single-step change in the "" file in the superagi>agent folder and doesn't require any other changes.

🌐 Improved error handling for OpenAI errors:

SuperAGI will now display errors like rate limits, authentication failures, exceeded quotas etc. from OpenAI directly on the frontend so users can troubleshoot easily.

⚡️SuperAGI Client Libraries

Added SuperAGI SDK Client Libraries in Python and NodeJS to allow developers to easily create, manage, and run autonomous agents using the SuperAGI framework.

Simply pip install or npm install to start using!

Python SDK: Node SDK:

Read More here:

What’s Changed

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