版本发布时间: 2023-09-15 11:08:35
Zeo666/AllTheRoles最新发布版本:0.12.0(2024-11-24 06:49:14)
🔥 What's New? 🔥
- Submerged 2023.8.2 compatibility
- Discord support
- Host information in the lobby settings text
- Random spawning option
- Role category subheaders
- Better post meeting object clearing logic
- Better disconnect handling
- Buff/Debuff functionality for Disease and Bounty Hunter
- Attack/Defense functionality logic
🔄 Changes 🔄
- Reactor to version 2.2.0
- BepInEx to version 6.0.0-be.674
- Chinese language support
- Main menu version text should now correctly update on language change
- Draft selection text now takes into account font size
- Draft selection now starts with a turn randomiser screen
- Lobby game settings text now takes into account font size
- All role spawn chance settings are now set to 50% by default
- Updated several other option default values
- UI side buttons (Lobby settings/Zoom in & out) should take into account the current map being played (ie. submerged)
- Doomsayer chat text has been updated to support different languages
- Better Impostor kill button cooldown timer handling
- The vent trap now roots players and alerts the Trapper
✨ Bug Fixes ✨
- Impostor button modifiers not spawning
- Professional dead bodies not being removed after meetings
- Sheriff first round kill prevention not working after the first game
- Amnesiac remembering a role that utilises a player menu and causing the player to morph on use
- Doomsayer not being able to shoot multiple times if they shoot correctly
- Player tracking icons now have the name showing correctly
- Avenger not showing as dead when target is killed in meeting
- Imitator having assassinate buttons after being the Sheriff
- Assassin chat info not showing the role text correctly
- Settings screen disappearing on map show
- Several smaller bugs/errors
❌ Removed ❌
- LobbySize game setting for stability purposes
ℹ️ NOTE ℹ️
- Manual update required
- Submerged map is now compatible with All The Roles
1、 AllTheRoles-0.11.3.zip 34.39MB