


版本发布时间: 2023-09-13 15:22:42

semsol/arc2最新发布版本:3.1.0(2024-08-16 14:52:38)

What's Changed

Details about #151

  1. :exclamation: Default table engine changed from MyISAM to InnoDB
  2. Fixed a lot of deprecation warnings in PHP 8.2 (mostly dynamic property usage and deprecated utf8_* usage)
  3. Removed the following DB adapters: mysqli, PDO-sqlite:
    • mysqli adapter was kept for compatibility reasons, has known problems with MySQL 8.0.
    • PDO SQLite was removed because it was buggy and it didn't pass our tests.
    • also removed CachedAdapter
  4. Removed methods:
    • ARC2_Class::queryDB(...), because it relied on outdated mysqli usage.
    • AbstractAdapter + PDOAdapter: getServerInfo(); changed getServerVersion() to use SQL select version() to get DB server version
  5. Cleaned require- and require-dev section in composer.json. For instance, removed symfony/cache.
  6. Upgraded Dockerfile to use PHP 8.2
  7. Field db_con in ARC2 configuration was removed. It used to hold the mysqli connection.
  8. Deployed PHP-CS-Fixer to the whole code base to improve readability.
  9. Updated our Github workflows to use newer DB versions (such as MariaDB 10.5+)
  10. Salvaged a fix from @craigdietrich: fixes #133 and fixes #135

Full Changelog:

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