


版本发布时间: 2023-09-08 07:16:17

reflex-dev/reflex最新发布版本:v0.3.3(2023-11-16 03:29:40)

🙏 Thanks to our supportive community and helpful contributors! 💪

Breaking Changes

Default Websocket Endpoint is now /_event #1542

Upload endpoint also moved to /_upload.

Any reverse proxy configurations that were explicitly forwarding /event and /upload to the backend server should be updated to use the new endpoints.

App kwarg connect_error_component is removed.

Use overlay_component instead. (#1379)

New Features

Client-side Storage integrated with State #1629

class State(rx.State):
	my_token: rx.LocalStorage = ""
  my_hour_cookie: rx.Cookie = rx.Cookie("initial", max_age=3600)

  def set_token(self):
    self.my_token = str(uuid.uuid4())

  def update_cookie(self):
    if self.my_hour_cookie == "initial":
      self.my_hour_cookie = "updated"

Implement on_mount and on_unmount for all components #1636

These new event handlers, present on all components, tie into React’s useEffect hook and are used to trigger backend events needed to initialize a component when it loaded in a page.

Note: on_mount will fire twice in dev mode due to the use of React’s StrictMode.

Note: on_mount will not fire for page navigation events between different params of the same dynamic route, since the page itself does not get reloaded so no remount occurs. For navigation events, see on_load argument of app.add_page.

FNM is now used to install nodejs on POSIX platforms

by @ElijahAhianyo in #1606 #1701

frontend_packages are automatically determined #1607

Per-component prop autocompletion for IDEs #1708

Generated .pyi files provide better function signatures for component create methods, enumerating most recognized props.

Further enhancements will be supplied in a future release to include per-prop documentation and improved signatures for event handlers.

Support Breakpoints in VSCode and PyCharm #1653

Expose basePath configuration option #1724

Support running multiple reflex apps from the same domain by changing the basePath prefix that the frontend uses (by @nevdelap).


Bug Fixes

Minor Changes and Fixups

New Contributors

Full Changelog:

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