版本发布时间: 2023-08-31 04:08:30
smol-ai/GodMode最新发布版本:v1.0.0-beta.10(2023-11-17 10:30:18)
Lots of people's Google logins broke in #201 . We unbroke it.
@seanoliver also made the panes much more robust to #179 type errors.
finally, swyx fixed Phind so it works again!
What's Changed
- add support for context menus in individual webviews for debugging by @seanoliver in https://github.com/smol-ai/GodMode/pull/214
- updated provider js to do nothing when input and submit elements not … by @seanoliver in https://github.com/smol-ai/GodMode/pull/217
- allowlist for SSO login domains, fix Google login by @swyxio in https://github.com/smol-ai/GodMode/pull/219
- fix Phind provider by @swyxio in https://github.com/smol-ai/GodMode/pull/222
Full Changelog: https://github.com/smol-ai/GodMode/compare/v1.0.0-beta.5...v1.0.0-beta.6
Download and Setup
You can:
- download the precompiled binaries: (sometimes Apple/Windows marks these as untrusted/damaged, just open it up in your download folder and right-click-open to run it).
- for Macs, you can use the "-universal.dmg" versions and it will choose between Apple Silicon/Intel architectures. We recommend installing this, but just fyi:
- Apple Silicon M1/M2 macs use the "arm64" version
- Intel Macs use the ".dmg" versions with no "arm64"
- for Windows, use ".exe" version. It will be marked as untrusted for now as we haven't done Windows codesigning yet
- for Linux, use ".AppImage".
- for Arch Linux, there is a third party AUR package: aur.archlinux.org/packages/godmode
- for Macs, you can use the "-universal.dmg" versions and it will choose between Apple Silicon/Intel architectures. We recommend installing this, but just fyi:
- Or run it from source (instructions in readme)
1、 GodMode-1.0.0-beta.6-universal.dmg 159.19MB
2、 GodMode-1.0.0-beta.6.AppImage 96.6MB
3、 GodMode.1.0.0-beta.6.dmg 79.99MB
4、 GodMode.1.0.0-beta.6arm64.pkg 87.52MB
5、 GodMode.Setup.1.0.0-beta.6.exe 144.4MB
6、 latest-linux-arm64.yml 399B
7、 latest-linux.yml 387B
8、 latest-mac.yml 1.15KB
9、 latest.yml 364B