


版本发布时间: 2023-08-20 20:03:53

pdfcpu/pdfcpu最新发布版本:v0.8.0(2024-04-25 06:27:50)

🧑‍🔬 The Bookmark Release


This release features the new bookmark command and there are substantial changes to the API including better support for scenarios with parallel execution.


Finally you are able to get rid of unwanted bookmarks, replace existing bookmarks or create even new ones. There are four commands to list your bookmarks, import/export bookmarks via JSON or to remove all bookmarks:

pdfcpu bookmarks list   inFile
pdfcpu bookmarks import [-r(eplace)] inFile inFileJSON [outFile]
pdfcpu bookmarks export inFile [outFileJSON]
pdfcpu bookmarks remove inFile [outFile]

Please check out the documentation.


pdfcpu is ready for go 1.21 ! Many API calls now return structs for corresponding objects and thanks to @semvis123 and @yyoshiki41 we were able to remove two significant points of contention. These changes should result in a much better experience running pdfcpu within goroutines. Your feedback is highly appreciated 💚


As always there is steady improvement to the PDF parser and thanks goes to every single user reporting issues. Remember, only because you are stuck parsing a specific file does not mean we can't do anything about it - but you are encouraged to take the time and file an issue.

pdfcpu is now a proud member of the PDF association

This is a long term commitment for using the optimal resources, going in the right direction in order to make pdfcpu a sound tool for both developers and CLI users for the time to come. Member_PDFA_logo_100x75

If and only if you are having fun using pdfcpu...

There are membership fees, meetings and countless hours I am putting into this project. Please 🙏 consider supporting me in any way you can by becoming a sponsor. Go to your superior or team lead and have them compare the benefits/costs vs. commercial solutions.


As always 🙏 to all bug reporters and PRs. Have fun 💚 processing your PDFs with pdfcpu!


相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)

1、 checksums.txt 974B

2、 pdfcpu_0.5.0_Darwin_arm64.tar.xz 3.33MB

3、 pdfcpu_0.5.0_Darwin_x86_64.tar.xz 3.74MB

4、 pdfcpu_0.5.0_Ios_arm64.tar.xz 3.3MB

5、 pdfcpu_0.5.0_Js_wasm.tar.xz 3.77MB

6、 pdfcpu_0.5.0_Linux_arm64.tar.xz 3.1MB

7、 pdfcpu_0.5.0_Linux_i386.tar.xz 3.36MB

8、 pdfcpu_0.5.0_Linux_x86_64.tar.xz 3.62MB

9、 3.61MB

10、 3.85MB

11、 4.01MB
