


版本发布时间: 2018-08-08 17:15:04

r-spacex/SpaceX-API最新发布版本:v4.0.0(2020-06-27 09:56:42)


Features & Fixes 5669d0e47f64db155fce735a19b72b77fedad6a5 - Changed koa-logger to koa-pino-logger for a ~20% reduction in high volume response latency 399039c0c455ee47842121511962a87e4c2efd9a - Fixed query builders where entire Koa request object was being passed to builders instead of just the object containing querystrings d728fdff82eb375e15616e3c83f2428dc1f34cd4 - Fixed bug showing incorrect order for all launches when sorting in descending order #107 78a33e269b79ad1f5ae3ff2e2f7aa8c00a257e20 - Fixed bug preventing users from using the flight_number correctly with the all launches endpoint #109 e880ead83b31ed49afee467ee4d248bf25256b98 - Fixed bug in invalid date tests where the dates tested weren't actually invalid 3689db4d9082ca124f4012417f2451ddf75e852f - Fixed bug that allowed caching in dev environments by default 37a24bca77d418b4078cdd2e4474cee03fc520bc - Added new mongo connection param to remove URL parser deprecation warnings 0cce078d9f9e5a22be2a71b984fc2d376f24dc08 - Added new endpoint to house Falcon Heavy Roadster data /info/roadster 409cb439013b42a855245374d9aa006a46d403f3 - Added script to update roadster orbital data every 10 min 578578242f28008514d29e47e339ea9721c1f14f - Added new PowerShell wrapper link to readme 6b09770d16c9ba24385d16eada5ebce696a4d9e8 - Moved docs from wiki to docs folder for portability & versioning

Server Changes

Database Changes

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