


版本发布时间: 2023-08-14 21:31:59

grafana/k6最新发布版本:v0.54.0(2024-09-30 17:50:44)

k6 v0.46 is here 🎉! This release includes:

Breaking Changes


In this release, the xk6-browser extension version is bumped up to v1.0.2, as it includes multiple breaking changes concerning options, browser lifecycle, and metrics. See the migration guide for making your test scripts compatible with the new version.

Options devtools, env and proxy are deprecated (browser#868, browser#870, browser#872). Additionally, browser launch/connect options are no longer defined in the corresponding JS API methods, instead the test execution related options are now defined inside the browser scenario options (see #3036), and the other more "environmental options", such as headless, debug, executablePath, are set as ENV vars. Also, the slowMo option is no longer supported, although it might be supported again in the future through a different API (browser#876).

Metrics also went through a few changes. The Web Vitals metrics are renamed to use the browser_ prefix and short namings (e.g.: webvital_first_input_delay -> browser_web_vital_fid) (browser#885, browser#903), and the rating metric is removed, as it is now set as a label in the corresponding Web Vitals metrics (browser#915). The browser HTTP metrics have also been modified, as these are now split from the HTTP module ones, so there are new browser_ prefixed HTTP metrics, specifically for request duration and failed requests (browser#916).

Another big change introduced in this version affects the way the browser lifecycle is handled. Users no longer have to explicitly initialize/close the browser instance through the JS API. Instead, a browser instance will be automatically initialized/closed at the beginning/end of each iteration if the browser type is set in scenario options (see #3036). This also means that the chromium entity from k6/experimental/browser import path is no longer valid. Instead, the browser entity provides access to the browser methods such as browser.newPage() (browser#910, browser#944). This change means that the browser.on() method is no longer applicable, and therefore it has been removed (browser#919).

Additionally, related to import changes, the browser module version is no longer an exported field (browser#923).

Last but not least, this release also includes constraints on browser contexts usage as now only one browserContext is allowed per iteration, which means that the user can create a new browserContext, close it, and then create it again; but can not have more than one "live" browserContext. Instead, scenarios should be used to separate independent actions in a test (browser#929, browser#945).

With all these changes, a simple browser test now looks like:

import { browser } from 'k6/experimental/browser';

export const options = {
  scenarios: {
    ui: {
      executor: 'shared-iterations',
      options: {
        browser: {
          type: 'chromium', // chromium is the only supported browser type so as long as
                            // the option is set, Chromium/Google Chrome will be used

export default async function () {
  const page = browser.newPage();
  try {
    await page.goto('')
  } finally {


New features

Loki log output sending additional headers #3227

k6 has been able to send logs to Loki for nearly 3 years since v0.28.0 but didn't support any way to authenticate.

Now, it can be configured to send additional headers on every request.

This can be done by using the new header config option, similar to label:

k6 --log-output=loki=,header.X-My-Header=123,header.Authorization=mytoken ...

The example above will now send the header X-My-Header with the value 123 and the Authorization header with the value mytoken.

Thanks to @federicotdn for adding this feature.

Cloud Traces #3100, #3202

This release supports the new integration between k6 and Tempo in the cloud. Grafana Cloud k6 and Grafana Cloud Tempo customers will be able to start their traces in k6 using the existing k6/experimental/tracing module to enrich their test run analysis page with metrics and aggregations from tracing data.

The new Cloud traces will work "out of the box" for k6 cloud runs. In case of k6 run execution, the K6_CLOUD_TRACES_ENABLED environment variable has to be set to true.

Ability to configure TLS per gRPC connection #3159, xk6-grpc#25

The k6/net/grpc and k6/experimental/grpc modules now support configuring TLS per-connection via ConnectParams. This is useful when connecting to a single gRPC server, using different TLS settings for each VUs, as well as when connecting to multiple gRPC servers from the same VU.

Expand to see an example of the new functionality.
import grpc from "k6/experimental/grpc";
import { check } from "k6";
import { SharedArray } from "k6/data";
import exec from "k6/execution";

// note: the services in this example don't exist. If you would like
// to run this example, make sure to replace the URLs, and
// the cacerts, cert, key, and password variables.
const grpcArgs = new SharedArray("grpc", () => {
    // Using SharedArray here so that not every VU gets a copy of every certificate a key
    return [
            host: "",
            plaintext: false,
            params: {
                tls: {
                    cacerts: [open("cacerts0.pem")],
                    cert: open("cert0.pem"),
                    key: open("key0.pem"),
            host: "",
            params: {
                plaintext: false,
                tls: {
                    cacerts: open("cacerts1.pem"),
                    cert: open("cert1.pem"),
                    key: open("key1.pem"),
                    password: "cert1-passphrase",

const client = new grpc.Client();

export default () => {
    if (__ITER === 0) {
        // Take one config and use it for this one VU
        let grpcArg = grpcArgs[ % grpcArgs.length];
        client.connect(, grpcArg.params);

    const response = client.invoke("hello.HelloService/SayHello", {
        greeting: "Bert",

    check(response, {
        "status is OK": (r) => r && r.status === grpc.StatusOK,


Thanks @chrismoran-mica for the contribution 🙇‍♂️.

Cloud Output v2 #3117

After years of great service, we decided to refresh the k6 Cloud output introducing a more efficient end-to-end solution for ingesting the generated tests' metrics. The main change regards the protocol used for flushing metrics that is now a binary-based payload over HTTP.

The new output reduces the resources a load generator uses for tests that produce many metrics. There is no significant difference in the user experience; it's expected to be the same.

The one thing worth highlighting is that the new output is strict about tags, and it'll drops tags if they are reserved. For example:

This is not yet the default Cloud output for the test runs executed from local machines (k6 run -o cloud), but it is expected to be transparently enabled in the upcoming weeks.

The full list of related PRs: #3104, #3108, #3120, #3125, #3162, #3169, #3182, #3186, #3187, #3193, #3195, #3206, #3226, #3157, #3172.

UX improvements and enhancements

Bug fixes

Maintenance and internal improvements

相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)

1、 k6-v0.46.0-checksums.txt 754B

2、 k6-v0.46.0-linux-amd64.deb 21.3MB

3、 k6-v0.46.0-linux-amd64.rpm 23.45MB

4、 k6-v0.46.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz 22.51MB

5、 k6-v0.46.0-linux-arm64.tar.gz 21.08MB

6、 22.21MB

7、 21.57MB

8、 k6-v0.46.0-windows-amd64.msi 23.05MB

9、 22.62MB
