


版本发布时间: 2023-08-08 11:36:24

ZZ-Cat/CRSFforArduino最新发布版本:v1.0.3(2024-07-20 17:11:46)


It has been a while since my last MINOR cut of CRSF for Arduino. I told you all I would be on hiatus by the start of August. Yet... here I am. I am too much of a 'work-a-holic' to stay away from my project. So, enjoy August's release. =^/.~=

As always, there is a discussion thread open for this release. So, download this, flash it, test it, submit your feedback etc.

PS: I need to remember to roll these things out more regularly.

What's New

What's Changed

API Changes

There are some slight changes to the API & these changes are as follows:

Full Changelog:

Semantic Versioning

All releases of CRSF for Arduino follow the Semantic Versioning Guidelines. This means "Major.Minor.Patch". Major = New features that are incompatible with previous iterations. Minor = New features &/or hardware support that retains compatibility with the current Major release. Patch = Bug fixes.

This also means that Major version 0.x.x is experimental software, where a lot of features are either still missing or are unstable. You are advised to use this Major version with caution. Your feedback is always welcome. If you spot any bugs, don't hesitate to open an issue. For general comments & questions, please use the discussions section.

相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)
