版本发布时间: 2023-07-29 04:51:43
dreamworksanimation/openmoonray最新发布版本:openmoonray- 05:00:39)
What's new
Build Improvements
- Initial Rocky 9 support
- Fixed missing #includes
- Use avx2-i32x8 for ISPC
- Enable building with GCC 11
- Enable building with Qt 5.15.3
- Allow Python executable name to be set
- Allow alternate names for Boost::python
- Upgraded to Embree 3.13.5
- Upgraded to ISPC 1.20.0
- Upgraded to CUDA 12.1
- Upgraded to microhttpd 0.9.71
- Improvements to rdl2_print
- Multi-machine rendering: Added debug utility functions and debugConsole commands
Bug Fixes
- Fixed vector/scalar look difference related to energy compensation
- Fixed inconsistencies in scalar / vector normal mapping
- Fixed NaNs and crash caused by bad texture data
- Fixed cryptoUV data corruption on resume from checkpoint
- Fixed dropped cryptomatte weights on resume from checkpoint
- Fixed incorrect resume history information related to signal-based checkpoint
- Fixed OpenVdbMap input interface
- Fixed frame locked noise on volumes
- Fixed NaN in bad texture read
- Multi-machine rendering: Fixed arras/moonray vector mode display image refresh issue
- Improved SceneVariables attribute descriptions
- Improved LightSet and ShadowSet attribute descriptions
- Improved several Material attribute descriptions
- Improved signal-based checkpoint log message