


版本发布时间: 2023-07-20 15:41:50

pdfcpu/pdfcpu最新发布版本:v0.8.0(2024-04-25 06:27:50)

Maintenance Release

This release is a cut-off after fixing a couple of issues.

A notable feature of this release is bookmark support for merging PDFs. Existing bookmarks will be preserved during merging and from now on the output file also has a bookmark hierarchy representing the input files.

Bookmarks during merging will be created per default. You can skip bookmark creation on the CLI by supplying -bookmarks=false

If you want to skip bookmark creation when using the API you need to set a new configuration parameter:

# merge creates bookmarks
createBookmarks: true

Since the pdfcpu configuration has changed you are encouraged to recreate your config.yml:

  1. Locate your config.yml using pdfcpu conf
  2. Remove/backup your config.yml
  3. Create a new config.yml from scratch by executing any pdfcpu cmd on the CLI eg. execute one more time pdfcpu conf
  4. Edit your configuration

Please 🙏

pdfcpu is in need of more supporters. If you use it please consider the hard work put into this and consider sponsorship. Go to your superior or team lead and have them compare the benefits/costs vs. commercial solutions.


As always 🙏 to all bug reporters and PRs. Have fun 💚 processing your PDFs with pdfcpu!


相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)

1、 checksums.txt 782B

2、 pdfcpu_0.4.2_Linux_arm64.tar.xz 3.06MB

3、 pdfcpu_0.4.2_Linux_i386.tar.xz 3.37MB

4、 pdfcpu_0.4.2_Linux_x86_64.tar.xz 3.59MB

5、 pdfcpu_0.4.2_macOS_arm64.tar.xz 3.3MB

6、 pdfcpu_0.4.2_macOS_x86_64.tar.xz 3.7MB

7、 3.56MB

8、 3.85MB

9、 3.95MB
