版本发布时间: 2018-06-01 15:36:47
rcbops/rpc-maas最新发布版本:1.8.1(2019-01-03 23:00:23)
Release Notes
New Features
- Managed Kubernetes installs several lxc-conatiners for various auhentication related functionality (etp, etg, auth, ui). This will monitor if the respective processes are up and the API endpoints are accessible. UI also includes checks for the LB whereas the other services only have local checks.
Bug Fixes
- Add an extra maas_env_product, defaults to 'rpco'. In ceph environment it should be set to 'ceph'. Also maas_rpco_dir has been renamed to maas_product_dir, and osa version will be left out in the case of ceph environment
- Update metadata macro to include lb_ssl_expiry_check and private_lb_ssl_expiry_check in the API category.